May 15, 2012 02:00
Hey guys... I'm alive.
I feel really bad about neglecting this journal for over a year now. :(
I've been busy with work and school and when I wasn't LJ was being retarded or I was just plain ol' laaaaazy. Shame on me! I need to make a post where you guys can harass me for new posts or something. XD
I'm almost done with this semester's classes. In fact I'm posting right now becuase I'm procrastinating on a paper that's due later just before midnight and I haven't started writing it yet. Go me! (I did just finish the final exam for that class though so I'm making progress.)
As my school stuff is finishing up I'd like to do some cleaning up in this journal a bit before I start posting stuff again.
- I'm going to clean up my friends list over the next two weeks.
Who is still watching me? Anyone...? Please post here so I know not to delete you. There's a few of you who are watching me but I don't know who you are...
- I'm going to rename a bunch of my tags so they make more sense.
Yay, organization!
- All my Megaupload links are dead since the site is gone... where are people uploading things now?
I want to post music stuff again but where should I upload the tracks? LJ changed things, can I upload non-image stuff here now?
So that's what I'll be working on and my first real post will probably be all the cakes I meant to post about but never got around to it. The pics are already ready. :)
journal: maintenance