Health Warning: Smoking Causes Cancer (all sorts of cancers okay)

Apr 11, 2009 18:46

Like a percentage of the girls of any other sub-culture (Ah Lians, Indie Chicks, Punk Rockers, Macam Paham College Girl etc), Minahs smoke too. With this activity, comes some Minahspeak terms.

1) Steng
Derived from the Malay word, 'setengah', which means half. This term is used when you share a cigarette with someone, therefore leaving you with half of a cigarette. Sharing a cigarette could mean you take turns having puffs, or in popular cases, Minah A will smoke til half the cigarette, and then pass it to her friend, Minah B, to finish the rest.

To steng a cigarette does not necessarily mean you trying to save cost. It could also mean that you are pressed for time, say you need to watch a movie in 5 mins and the smoking area is obviously outside the cineplex/shopping centre, or you are waiting for a bus/riding off on the motorbike (riding and smoking is never advisable but managable by very skilled Mats). If you steng a cigarette, you still get a puff, at the same time saves cost and time.

Sometimes, when it's the dry season, Minah will have a problem of so many of her friends leeching off her for cigarettes. Exasperated, she will shove one cigarette to her friends and say, "Nah amek korang, gi steng ramai ramai." It would not make any sense to halve a cigarette among many, in the context of her sentence, because half is something divided by two, but what she means is that everyone should go share that one stick and leave the rest of her cigarettes alone.

2) Matau
To pool money and purchase a pack of cigarettes, that will be shared among all.

3) (Rokok) Rewang
When a pack of cigarettes are passed around, at a typical gathering such as a chalet or BBQ pit party.

The intention of that pack to be passed around may or may not be voluntary to the official owner of the pack. Minahs can be generous folks, especially in the company of great friends. She might just buy a pack, take one out of it for a smoke, and pass the pack around declaring, "Nah rokok rewang, enjoy."

However a pack of cigarettes can turn itu rokok rewang when Minah A forgot that she left her pack with Minah B and others approach to ask for sebatang. As mentioned, Minahs can be generous folks. Rokok rewang also happens if you accidentally leave your pack of ciggs on the table. Self-service beb. When you need to stop people from helping themselves to your ciggs, scream, "Eh korang ingat ni rokok rewang perrr?!". Does not work if you are with close friends. May also result in people stamping you as a cigarette scrooge.

Some of our favourite brands?
*Marlboro (contraband)


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