Kalo boring, telan ball bearing

Apr 07, 2009 01:10

I see an influx of Mat/Minah quizzes on Facebook. They're a bit predictable, so I made sure my answers were churned out to say I'm a top notch Minah. Sadly, many are still unclear on the difference between a Minah and Minahrep, because quizzes are telling me I'm a Minahrep and my boyfriend is a Matrep. Excuuuuuuse me!

Quickly now, a Minah refers to any Malay girl. A Minahrep is a gangsta version of a Minah; tattoos, drugs, jailbird boyfriend and kid in tow.

Sometimes, people do things that just perfectly defines the definition of a Macam Pahamer. Lu step macam lu tau jer apa lu buat, tapi semua pun actually lu main hembus jer.

This is where I'd like to slide in our Phrase Of The Day!

"Kalo boring, telan ball bearing!" That's what I'd like to say to all these Macam Paham quiz creators who obviously don't know what they are talking about, lack wit (ah semua orang tak kelakar macam aku) and are just oh-so-predictable. Yes, go swallow little pellets of metal, because doing such requires less research than creating a quiz about something you know little about, aside from the fact that you hate Minahs.

Ok but on a more serious note, 'kalo boring, telan ball bearing' is very similar to Sorry sorry, naik lorry!, where it's all about 'ball bearing' rhyming with 'boring'. I mean, what else can you do with random pieces of ball bearings? Telan la apa lagi, takkan mau gentel gentel kan. Nak gentel, gentel guitar atau punat. HAHAHA.

Essentially, use this phrase when you have no useful suggestions to what someone who is complaining of boredom to do (refer to Example 1). Alternatively, it is used as a sarcastic or irrelevant reply in a conversation (refer to Example 2).

Example 1
Minah A: Eh kau taknak kluar ke hari ni?
Minah B: Nak gi mana?
Minah A: Kau teman aku gi TM (Tampines Mall) ar, tengok tengok baju ker. Aku tengah boring la.
Minah B: Alah, kalo boring, telan ball bearing ar. Aku penat ar, malas.

Example 2
Minah X: Pet Society down eh?
Minah Y: A'ah la, boring sey!
Minah X: Boring boring telan ball bearing ar!

So now Minah friend S and Minah Friend F are telling me I need to copyright my blog before I have people ripping my entries out. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Oh well, everyone (secretly) loves a Minah, isn't that right?

phrases, kthanxbye

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