Just random things...

Jun 27, 2023 06:39

I went to the ER yesterday due to stomach pain. I got put on a medicine for stomach spasms and acid. The swelling is going down a bit too finally.

My bf really loves Legos so now I want to build blocks. X3 I got 2 boxes of Hello Kitty blocks (not made by Lego) from his mom. They are an ice cream shop and a truck. I haven't gotten room to display them so... They await me for down the road.

I have my mental health skill builder today. I've been feeling crappy so I didn't get any homework done... I think I'm going to cancel my therapy appointment with the new 'regular therapist' I have... I just got bad vibes from the place in general. So, maybe I'll find another place.

Mom said we have to clean my room to take photos to sell the place. :/ I hate this... I don't want it to be 'we' cause I don't get along with her. Plus she's gonna push my body beyond it's limits cause she can't understand how weak and frail I am. Last move I was hospitalized from stress... I'm still not over that. Mainly cause I'm scared of it happening again.

mother, health, boyfriend

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