Holiday Art 2008 Request

Dec 31, 2008 12:47

breadf's holiday request. If you click the image, it goes to the image on my drawr account. The size there is slightly bigger, I didn't want to break my main LJ layout.

It's pretty much Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, since Yuyuko is in the game too, so why not? ...peaches...

I feel like I should write something else here... uhh, I'm getting off work earlier and seeing if Liz has the time to hang out, (EDIT: and minh maybe) so we can head to Jeffrey's friend's party thing. I heard they had video games, so that's why I wanna gooooooooooooooooo. Then tomorrow, more hanging out with Liz, Jeffrey too, then after that, hanging out with Minh, boy this looks confusing without LJ usernames, doesn't it?

Liz = rabidpotato
Jeffrey = jeffreyatw no he won't tell you what atw means
Minh = moondabor

What else... oh, 2008 consisted of NEETing around and finally getting a job at the end of the year. Now I can fund my Touhou obsession and buy myself neat computery things. I also met new friends, connected with a few old ones, and have a new relationship.

If I miss you guys, I hope you have a safe and awesome New Years Eve!!! Happy New Year!!! 2009 is a'comin!

EDIT: I've been listening to this song a lot, thx 4srs minh KOREANS

new years, swr, djmax, tenshi, friends, holiday 2008, holiday art, yuyuko, hanging out, drawr, 2009, touhou

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