Meme, Black Friday, Holiday Art

Nov 29, 2008 15:05

Your rainbow is shaded green and blue.

What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

That rainbow thing that everyone has been doing.

Here's my Black Friday recap:

Slept at 9PM (WOW) on Thursday evening. Woke up at 6AM, woke my brother up. Picked up his friend. Went to Fry's. Found nothing of interest, left. Went to Circuit City... store closing sale and not a Black Friday sale. Found a Wacom Intuos 3... didn't buy it. It cost $140 or something for 4x5 or was that a larger size? Either way, I didn't pick it up. Went to Office Depot. Left. Went to Best Buy. Went to the Great Mall, ate food. Went to NewPark Mall, stood around at GameStop. Dropped my brother off at the movies with his friends. Went home. Decided maybe I wanted the Wacom, and went back to Circuit City. It was gone. Went to the PC game aisle and picked up Fry Cry 2 for $35, Bioshock for $21, Call of Duty 4 for $35, Paradise for $11. Went to Half-Price Books. Went back to Fry's. Got nothing again. Picked up my brother. Went to Best Buy. Went to Borders. Went to Wal-Mart, walked in for a good two seconds before deciding it was probably not a good idea. Left. Went to eat. Went home. Went online to check Newegg's sales (as they had been up for a while)... found a desktop I wanted to get but wanted to wait for the person to get home so I could double check if they wanted it, but then it suddenly turned to sold out... I should have bought it. It was cheap and had great specs... but it's okay! I'm a good shopper, I will find another good deal somewhere. Newegg had some tools for 10 bucks, and having lost some of my computer tools, I purchased it. Result: Few cheap items, gas tank low.

That's it for me. The only Black Friday sale item I purchased was the computer tool kit. The Circuit City games don't really count since it was from a store closing sale. I was hoping to find a cheap scanner like I did two years ago but no luck.

The funny thing is, now that I have a job, I almost don't mind paying full price for things like scanners, games, things like that... I mean I like to wait for price drops on games and stuff like usual, but now even if I don't get them on sale when I see them I feel not so bad. It's fine if I don't have it today, I feel. Last year, I wanted so many things but unfortunately didn't have the money to pay for it. How interesting!

Now onto the Holiday Art:

Remember that one year where I tried to draw things for people? No? Oh, then you weren't on my list in 2004. Either way, I pretty much successfully finished all of them but two. I'd like to try it again! I don't have as much time as I did before, so the quality of work won't be very high, but it would be good practice for me. -> There are no guarantees that I would finish the work, and there are no guarantees they will end up being the way you pictured (or even I pictured) but if you would like an image for the holidays (or just an image with the text tacked on saying it was done during the 08 holidays), please leave me a message and a request, thank you~! yes this means anybody and this is not a trade, it's a gift

holiday 2008, holiday art, black friday, meme

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