
Nov 05, 2010 19:39

There's the roar of an engine coming from somewhere near the forest. It's a deep, throaty sound and soon accompanied by the squeal of tyres though at first, there's nothing to be seen.

Until there is.

Out of nowhere, a car appears. It's big and bronze and makes a hell of a racket. But possibly not as much of one as Gene.

'...bloody 'ell is goin' on!'

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trudy chacon, ironhide, guppy sandhu, sameth, kate barlow, ben grimm, gene hunt, sam tyler, oom, urquhart

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Comments 316

ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 19:42:15 UTC
"Jesus Christ Almighty."

Her fingers make a suctioning sound as they retract from the dashboard. Her head is spinning a bit from the inertia of the rough and tumble stop, but not so much to turn her green around the gills. It's more of a pleasant turquoise, really.

"Nice t'see you back to your senses, Gene."


themanclion November 5 2010, 19:47:22 UTC
He purses his lips, heands still on the steering wheel and looking over at her.

'Yeah, well.'

A sniff.

'Told you I didn' remember when I left 'ere, didn't I?'


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 20:00:23 UTC
"Think y'might've mentioned it, while we was one foot out of the door."

Her words are dry and teasing.

"There's a garage, underneath the bar. Haven't never been down there myself, but I think your precious automobile should be safe enough."


themanclion November 5 2010, 20:04:05 UTC
'Oh, give over Dorothy. You're alrigh' aren't ya? I didn' leave you there.'

A fag is clearly called for.

'Even showed you th' sights; don' say I don' do anythin' for ya.'


not_toothfairy November 5 2010, 19:45:19 UTC
The car is not the only vehicle out and about behind Milliways today. The other one, however, is a truck. And it has just wheeled around to get a better look at the new arrival.

(Bar has been playing silly buggers with the subspace compression field lately, possibly because none of the Cybertronians were in the Bar at Halloween. Ironhide is his full and proper size, not a compressed miniature truck.)


themanclion November 5 2010, 19:51:15 UTC
Gene looks over at the machine. It's bigger than his.


He frowns and sticks his head out of the window to size it up better.

'Bet that thing handles like a tank,' he mutters to Kate, sounding a tad petulant.


not_toothfairy November 5 2010, 19:53:57 UTC
Oh, slag, Ironhide just remembered he hasn't been using his hologram. He looks completely unattended at the moment... Well, no point in putting one up now, not here.

Although he might roll forward a smidge to get a good scan in before commenting in a low and rumbling voice, "Nice wheels."


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 20:03:06 UTC

"What's a tank?"

The question barely has enough time to leave her mouth before the rumbling voice hits her ears.

"Gene. Please tell me the truck just spoke."


makesthings November 5 2010, 19:46:42 UTC
(OOC: Both or either.)

Sameth hears the noise in the forge and comes out before backing up against the wall, "Charter!"

Its said with a mix of awe and fear, that's quite a car.


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 19:52:23 UTC
The passenger door flies open and Kate comes tumbling out.


She's this close to kissing the earth.


themanclion November 5 2010, 19:54:37 UTC
'Oh shut it, you tart,' floats out after her.

The voice sounds pretty amused and its owner appears a moment later, hauling out of the drivers side and scrutinising the young man.


makesthings November 5 2010, 19:56:02 UTC
He's in a rather medieval outfit of a linen shirt and breeches and looks rather dirty since he's been working in the forge all day.

When Kate falls out, he walks over to see if she needs help, "Are you hurt?"


guppy_sandhu November 5 2010, 20:36:11 UTC
Guppy was standing about twenty feet from the back door. And as such, gets the full force of the mudslide whilst trying not to get run over.

"WHAT THE BLOODY FUCKING HELL!" he yells, getting up and squelching over towards the car to find out which delinquants just ruined his clothes.


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 20:45:05 UTC
Kate is a pair of round blue eyes hovering above hands pressed to her face in mortification.

(And surprise. She's never heard Guppy shout like that before.)



themanclion November 5 2010, 20:50:48 UTC
Gene...frowns and gets out of the car, looking him up and down.

'You need some soap f'that gob, mate?'

Swearing like that in front of ladies = no.

'Blimey. What did you wanna stand there, for?'



guppy_sandhu November 5 2010, 20:56:58 UTC
Guppy sees Kate, and goes red, then he sees Gene. He half wonders whether Gene bundled her in the car against her will.

"I was just standing there, minding my own business." he says, curbing his language now.

But, more to the point in his opinion, nearly running people over = no.

"What the hell are you doing driving around a public garden like that?! You could have killed someone! What if any of the bar's kids had been playing out here? And a couple of feet further, or a bit wetter grass, and you could have taken both yourself and Kate out and half a dozen people inside and all."


scots_wolf November 5 2010, 20:40:53 UTC
There is a big Scottish murderer by the back door, smoking a cigarette and minding his own business, when a big machine from the future comes to a screeching halt not far away.


themanclion November 5 2010, 20:44:35 UTC
Gene glares out of the window at him, and then turns to Kate, saying loud enough to be heard.

'If you'd tol' me that was standin' there, I could've hit th' bastard.'

It's all her fault.


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 20:47:45 UTC
"Well you've had enough practice."

She's still eying the car for signs of blood.


scots_wolf November 5 2010, 20:52:04 UTC
"What in hell are you doing?" Urquhart says to them. "Did Dinah Lance ask you to plough up the garden?"


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