
Nov 05, 2010 19:39

There's the roar of an engine coming from somewhere near the forest. It's a deep, throaty sound and soon accompanied by the squeal of tyres though at first, there's nothing to be seen.

Until there is.

Out of nowhere, a car appears. It's big and bronze and makes a hell of a racket. But possibly not as much of one as Gene.

'...bloody 'ell is goin' on!'

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trudy chacon, ironhide, guppy sandhu, sameth, kate barlow, ben grimm, gene hunt, sam tyler, oom, urquhart

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ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 19:42:15 UTC
"Jesus Christ Almighty."

Her fingers make a suctioning sound as they retract from the dashboard. Her head is spinning a bit from the inertia of the rough and tumble stop, but not so much to turn her green around the gills. It's more of a pleasant turquoise, really.

"Nice t'see you back to your senses, Gene."


themanclion November 5 2010, 19:47:22 UTC
He purses his lips, heands still on the steering wheel and looking over at her.

'Yeah, well.'

A sniff.

'Told you I didn' remember when I left 'ere, didn't I?'


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 20:00:23 UTC
"Think y'might've mentioned it, while we was one foot out of the door."

Her words are dry and teasing.

"There's a garage, underneath the bar. Haven't never been down there myself, but I think your precious automobile should be safe enough."


themanclion November 5 2010, 20:04:05 UTC
'Oh, give over Dorothy. You're alrigh' aren't ya? I didn' leave you there.'

A fag is clearly called for.

'Even showed you th' sights; don' say I don' do anythin' for ya.'


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 20:11:41 UTC
She ignores the odd name.

"Yes, the sights. The inside of your friend's abode was lovely."


themanclion November 5 2010, 20:19:42 UTC
Gene rolls his eyes.

'Am I t'blame for the way 'is flats a shithole? I didn' decorate it. And before you ask, no I don' know why he doesn't move either.'


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 20:25:32 UTC
"Actually, I was more wonderin' if you really weren't plannin' on reimbursin' him for that door."


themanclion November 5 2010, 20:31:06 UTC

Seriously. What?


Duh, Kate. As if.


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 20:51:13 UTC
"You're a piece of work."

It's not said to be insulting, save for the part where it is.

She opens the door, stepping outside to get some fresh air. Her shoes sink into mud.


themanclion November 5 2010, 20:56:45 UTC
'You love it, you know you do.'

Seeing as she gets out, he does too. He needs to have a look around for the garage anyway.

Strangely, he doesn't seem to notice the mud. Because he's not a girl.


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 21:18:27 UTC
Coming from the man who wears white shoes to go riding in, she's not harried by his opinions.

"Love is such a relative term, Gene."

She tries to take a step forward and her shoe stays anchored in the mud. She grabs the side mirror to keep herself from falling.


themanclion November 5 2010, 21:24:32 UTC
'Get your bloody paws off my motor!'

He's lunging around the car immediately, trying to catch her before she puts her weight on the mirror and breaks it. Of course, that means he loses his shoe as well but he doesn't even notice at first. He just grabs her round the waist and lifts her clear of the mud. If she loses the other shoe as well, he doesn't give a damn.


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 21:41:58 UTC
There's not much weight to her. She's no more than 110lbs soaking wet, and despite her lack of education in the field of automobiles, she knows well enough how to disperse her weight in an effort not to break something.

A small, surprised sound leaves her throat when his arms circle around her, her hands automatically and defensively grabbing hold around his fingers.

Its a moment before the adrenaline clears from her vision, and when she speaks her voice is dead calm.



themanclion November 5 2010, 21:45:09 UTC

He, uh. Hasn't let her go yet. In that moment it takes for her to regain her composure.

Doesn't seem to be making any attempt to either.


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 21:59:17 UTC
Her belly's heaving just a little under his hold.

"Think maybe that might'a been a bit of an overreaction?"


themanclion November 5 2010, 22:00:43 UTC
He notices. She really is...quite close.


And his voice is nowhere near as harsh as it was a moment ago.

'You might've broken it.'

(Still hasn't let her go.)


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