(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 20:59

This is getting extremely worrying.

Having someone else running around in his body is not Linguini's idea of a Good Day, especially if he gets theirs, and especially if they have a dubious handle on English and dubious (and potentially dangerous) table manners. Or manners in general.

He's looking around for someone who... well, is him, so he should be easy to find. "Should" being the operative word. He's got otherworldly senses of sight and smell and hearing, but he doesn't know what he's supposed to be smelling, and is very afraid of what he might see. Or hear.

He'll be horrified if Linguini-shaped Stitch has already done something embarrassing and/or offensive, which is the main reason Stitch-shaped Linguini wants to find him.

april fools, alfredo linguini, stitch, homestar runner

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