(no subject)

Apr 10, 2002 00:15

Perhaps the door opened in one of the rare moments that no one was looking at it. Maybe something hitched in on one of the three TARDIS capsules that frequent this bar in particular. It could be they just arrived, as one does.

The fact is, however, is there is a stone angel out in the garden that wasn't there before, with large carved stone wings, a simple sleeveless stone tunic with a stone rope around her waist, her hair curly and almost Grecian, and her eyes covered by her hands, as if she were crying. It's a tragic statue, in the classic style.

Or perhaps you saw the one in the corner of the bar, her back to the wall - a very strange piece of decoration.

Or maybe the one at the base of the stairs.

Surely it can't just be one statue. That stone looks heavy.

(ooc: Please see the user info for more details, and ping me at AIM: 'bodldop' if you have questions. Feel free to tag, if your pup wants to talk to a statue.)

david berman, stone angels, raven

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