There comes a time in every girl's life when she has to make a double-pup post. This is sadly one of those times.
By the lake a teenager woman stretched to the last rays of a setting sun. The sense of peace from a bit of light yoga was not to be underestimated, or so Thea would say.
Inside the Bar,
Kaye Fierch is doggedly pushing half melted ice-
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"Not green today?" He asks, taking a seat beside her. "No wings either?"
"Not evil today?" It's purely a precaution and the way her smile turns (only a tad evil) it's obvious she's joking.
He orders a chocolate milkshake, glad his head is clear today. Maybe it was the fresh air, maybe it was seeing his friends, but something has him feeling better right now.
There is definite eyeing of his milkshake. Her ice-cream wasn't that good anyway.
Here's another, making himself at home, curling up comfortably on Thea's stomach.
"I could do without the extra weight." Thea grumbled, scritching the kitty despite her bad temper at being interrupted.
He purrs, his form lightening until it is scarcely the weight of a feather, yet still solidly cat: his fur still silky and soft, his purring a deep vibration of content. "No problem." As long as the scritchings continue.
As it is, she merely donated both hands to the peaceful effort of a purring cat.
"You're obviously content here."
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