Title: Fun in the (Red) Sun
Fandom: DC Universe
Characters/Pairing: Kara Zor-El/Jaime Reyes
Rating: PG
Words: 645
Summary: Jaime and Kara take an intergalactic getaway.
Author's Notes: Written for
phil_urich for his request of "Jaime/Kara, playful" in my
Mood Challenge.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Kara?" Jaime looked up nervously at the red sun. "I mean, going camping on an alien planet where your powers don't work? Kinda risky. Even if I do have my scarab to back us up if there's any trouble..."
"It's not camping if there's not a little danger, right? Besides, Clark always talks about 'roughing it'. I kind of wanted to try it for myself. Might be fun. Climbing mountains, jumping off waterfalls, huddling together by the fire for warmth..." Kara sidled up to Jaime. "I especially like the sound of that last one."
Jaime wrapped his arms around Kara, smiling. "I thought we'd never get the chance to be alone. With my mom and dad and Clark keeping an eye on us all the time, it was crazy."
"That's the great thing about being able to fly! There's always somewhere to get away to, even if it's in another galaxy!" Kara grinned as she took off in a run. "C'mon! Clark's files say the view up that hill is great!"
Jaime raced after Kara, struggling to keep up. He wasn't all that athletic outside of his Scarab, but if Kara was powerless, he wanted to share this odd experience with her. For today, it was just like they were normal kids. Jaime Reyes and Kara Kent, not Blue Beetle and Supergirl. There was something exciting about that.
"Wow. It's gorgeous."
Kara stood at the top of the hill, overlooking a waterfall. The red sun shining down gave the water an odd shimmering color. Below, a few small furry creatures could be seen bathing. Jaime caught up, breathing heavily, and took a look over the edge.
"Wow. We're high."
"Yeah. If it looks this great from up here, imagine what it's like from down there." Kara got a mischevious gleam in her eye.
"Oh, no. You're not going to - "
Kara leapt off the cliff, freefalling into the water below with a shriek of parts excitement. Instinctively, Jaime leapt down after her. His girlfriend was crazy! He splashed down in the water, quickly swimming towards the surface. Kara hadn't surfaced yet. He looked around, slowly starting to panic.
"Kara! Are you okay?"
Suddenly, Kara sprung out of the water, tackling Jaime from behind and dunking him. She giggled as he surfaced, spitting out water.
"Okay, that was just mean!"
"What can I say? You're cute when you're all wet."
Jaime grinned and tackled Kara, knocking them both back into the water. As they surfaced, he wrapped his arms around her and passionately kissed her.
Kara shivered as they walked out of the water. "I forgot how cold it gets on this planet at night. Probably should have changed into my swimsuit before getting wet."
"Don't worry, I'll keep you warm. Scarab's got a self-heating system, if you - "
Kara snuggled tightly next to Jaime as they walked, slipping under his jacket. "That's okay, I think this'll do just fine. How about we go start a fire?"
"Sounds great. I brought supplies for S'mores. You ever have them?"
"Not yet. I can't wait." Kara smiled. "I'm really glad we took this trip. I mean, your parents and Clark may be super-nosy, but even they can't spy on us here, right?"
"I hope so. But even if they did find out about this, it's well worth it." Jaime wrapped an arm around Kara. "Sneaking away from the parental figures is a rite of passage on Earth."
"Looks like being human has its fun parts." Kara said as she kissed Jaime on the cheek. Even if they did have to face the music for their disappearance when they got home, it would be more than worth it. This was the best escape she had gotten in a long time, and she wouldn't have wanted to share it with anyone else.