Fic: Triple Agents(Bart/Rose)

Jul 03, 2008 18:33

Title: Triple Agents
By: milleniumrex
Rating: PG
Characters: Bart Allen/Rose Wilson
Words: 732
Summary: Bart's undercover. This probably won't go well.
Author's Notes/Warnings: Written for the prompt of "I'm the Mole!" for coldfiredragon's The Summer of Cliches Fic-a-thon!.
This takes place after the last issue of Teen Titans, and is full of speculation about what'll happen next.

People always underestimated Bart Allen's attention span. Sure, he's wasn't Impulse anymore, but they still tended to treat him like he was going to be distracted by a shiny object any second now. And shiny objects could be fascinating, but what very few people understood was that when he did find something worth concentrating on, it was impossible to shake him. That came rarely, but once in a while, it happened. Hence, why he was wearing a garish red-and-black costume and going by the name "Speed Freak". The Terror Titans must not be all that smart, he figured, if they never even asked to look under the mask.

When he came back from the 30th century last month, Bart had caught up as only he could - by reading every newspaper and magazine printed during the time he was "dead" in a total of 6 hours and 17 minutes. Not much good news to be found. Aliens had invaded earth, more heroes were dead, and his favorite Taco place was hit by a flying elephant. But the thing he found most disturbing was how the Titans had continued to fall apart. First there was Supergirl, and now Ravager, kicked off the team for being too "trigger-happy". As if the rest of the team had any right to judge. Knowing Rose, though, she hadn't let it keep her down for long. She had "switched sides" in record time, joining up with the Terror Titans in what was clearly(to Bart, at least) an attempt to take them down from within. But as capable as Rose was, if her ruse was discovered she was still ridiculously outnumbered. And even if the Titans were content to let her take that risk, he wasn't. So "Speed Freak" was born, and Bart had been taking a crash course in the world of supervillainy. Insane boss sleeping with one of the members aside, it wasn't actually that different from the Teen Titans. Terror Titans seemed to prefer Thai takeout to pizza, though.

Clock King was incredibly creepy, and it took Bart all his strength not to blow his cover when he saw him threatening or abusing any of the members. They might have been villains, but Bart couldn't escape the thought that they were just kids. If things had gone a little bit differently, they could have been Teen Titans. Of course, considering the state of the TT right now, Bart wasn't sure how much better that would have been. But the hardest part was hiding from Rose. She didn't even know he was alive yet - no one did - and revealing himself stood the chance of blowing both their covers. But it got harder every day.

Clock King had just left the tower to deal with Boss Dark Side. Disruptor had gone with him, and Persuader, Copperhead, and Bolt were out. That just left Bart and Ravager, and finally, a bit of Bart's impulsive side came back. He waited until Rose came out of her room, sped up, and pulled her into a closet.

"Ow! What the hell, freak?"

"Rose. Listen, you've got to trust me here. I'm about to show you something, and you can't tell anyone. Anyone! Our lives could depend on this!"

"....Oh, just take off your mask, Bart. I know it's you."

Bart blinked a few times. "But...I'm dead! Plus, awesome disguise! I made it myself!"

"It's just a black version of your Impulse costume. Plus, these morons might not be able to tell you from a mile away, but I can." Rose grinned. "So, tell me you already knew I'm planning to betray these guys. Don't make me hurt you too."

"Duh! I just figured you could use a little backup."

"Sweet. Completely unnecessary, but sweet. "So, you ready to blow Clock King out of his tower tonight?"

"Definitely." Bart smirked. "But seriously....I was dead. Why are you not surprised by this?"

"You're the fastest boy alive. I always knew you'd outrun death." Rose smiled as she sidled up next to Bart. "This was a bit sooner than I expected, but I'm not complaining. So...if we've got the tower all to ourselves until our targets come back, we should make use of that."

Bart decided that supervillain espionage and sabotage was a lot more fun than it looked.

character: bart allen, fic, het, summer of cliches, character: rose wilson, pairing: bart/rose

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