Title: Rememberances
milleniumrexRating: PG
Characters: Clark Kent, mentions of Bruce/Clark
Words: 512
Summary: Clark takes matters into his own hands.
Author's Notes/Warnings: Written for the prompt of "Amnesia" for
The Summer of Cliches Fic-a-thon!.
Be warned, this is a reaction fic. It spins directly out of the events that took place in today's issue of Batman #678! So if you read the comic and don't wish to know what's going on, run, read it, and then read the fic!
Spoiler A/N: In this issue of Batman, Bruce Wayne found himself under attack by a mysterious band of villains who used some sort of trigger word to wipe his mind. When we see him again, he's a heroin-addicted junkie who has no memories of his old life except for some vague memories of Batman. He winds up dressed in this hideous Purple Bat-suit and hallucinating Bat-mite. This is how I like to think Clark would react.
No one knew what to think when they found Batman, dressed in that monstrosity of a costume, heroin coursing through his veins. He was barely even capable of speaking more than a few words at that point. And the blank stare in his eyes told them all they needed to know. There was very little of Bruce Wayne left in this shell of a man. Whatever had happened to him would have to be pieced together at a later date. All they could do now was try to keep him safe, from himself and whoever had done this to him.
The rest of the League was more concerned with Bruce's body than anything. Purging the poison out of his body was the first priority. But Superman had other concerns. Bruce's mind might still be in there. The soul of the man he loved might still be intact. It just needed to be awakened, and he wasn't going to wait for the all-clear from the doctors to try. By then it might be too late.
Bruce Wayne was not a sentimental man. There were very few things that he held really dear to his heart. He had his trophies and monuments to conquered foes, but those were more trinkets than anything. No, the keys to Bruce Wayne's heart weren't easy to find, but they unlocked so many doors.
So he gathered them. From Wayne Manor, he took the family portrait of Bruce's parents. A painful memory, but an incredibly powerful one. He took the "World's Best Dad" mug Tim had given him just a few weeks before on that father's day. Recent, yes, but he knew just how much Bruce treasured it. Looking at it, he couldn't help but smile himself.
He took the box of Kryptonite he had given Bruce. Nothing could represent his utter trust in Batman more. But it wasn't enough. There was something missing, that last x-factor that would really jar Bruce into remembering who he was.
Bruce Wayne was an incredibly hard man to figure out, Clark thought as he leafed through the photo albums. They were mostly empty. How did you reach a man who kept himself so walled in?
And then he saw it. A memory that even he had forgotten, from what seemed like ages ago. It was the first time they had ever met. He was the bumbling journalism intern, just out of high school. Bruce was the cocky young exec, recently returned from a trip abroad. It was just a chance meeting that he happened to bump into Bruce as they were both leaving the Daily Planet building, that Lois had managed to snap them both in the same picture. But it was the first ever meeting of the World's Finest, and Bruce had remembered it all these years.
Clark slipped it into his pocket, along with the other mementoes. He liked to believe he had found the keys to Bruce's mind. Because he wouldn't leave his lover trapped in the fog of his own oblivion one second longer than he had to.