It's been a while

Jan 04, 2008 14:17

So it's been a while since I've posted here but I check in everyday to read what you girls have to say. I just thought I'd give a little update on my holiday season and ask a little question.
Bryan was able to come home for Christmas, which was amazing. He was home 8 days (even though they charged him 10 days of leave). It was a very busy 8 days and went by all to fast. Between trying to do wedding stuff and celebrating the holiday with both of our families it was a little crazy. Our families did have dinner together for the first time on christmas eve though. Everyone got along really well. :) 
We ended up just staying in on New Years Eve, he flew out at 5am on New Years day, which was kind of a bummer. But at least we got to be together for the holiday. 
AND he might even be home for my birthday in February! He might be able to do recruiter assistance right after he graduates Tech School for 2 weeks. I was planning on flying to Texas for his graduation but him home for 2 whole weeks would be amazing. He still has to get the number for the recruiter to fax the paper work but I'm crossing my fingers it works out.

Little Question:
My fiance is being stationed in Nebraska at Offut. We are planning a wedding for October of 2008. But he suggested we do the whole court marriage sooner. This way he will be able to apply for base housing and will earn more to help pay for the wedding. Now I'm all for this except for the fact that I will have to be on his insurance... I know it will have to happen eventually so why not get it over with right? But I know nothing about Tricare... I've tried to research it online but none of the websites seem to tell you that much. I know I'll have to go on base for health care and all that but what about dental and eye care? I have really bad eyes. Also when you girls got married were you able to recieve financial aid for college. I'm attending community college right now but when I move to Nebraska I'll be a junior and will have to attend a university to finish my degree (lots more money!) Are there any other benefits to being married that I should know about/take advantage of? 

questions, insurance; tricare, housing questions, financial aid for spouses

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