Jan 04, 2008 15:51

He is going to a different base that is only 6 hrs away from me!! He will only be there for 2 1/2- 3 weeks but it doesn't matter because I can drive down there and see him! We know for sure that he is going to be going but not sure what either of our schedules are going to be like when he is there. But he is going to let me know his end ASAP and I am going to try everything in my power to get down there! I want to see him so badly! it has been 10 days short of a month since I last saw him and I am going crazy! How I made it through his deployment I will never know. I think with that I knew that he was not close to me, wasn't doing his normal day to day routine and there was no possiblity of seeing each other. Now he is only two states away from me and if either of us had the time off it would be easy to hop on a plane train or bus (pending money situations of course). I just hope that everything goes our way this time and we get to see each other. 
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