Aragorn/Legolas Rec List O' Doom

Oct 01, 2006 18:47

I love my flist, la, la, la. And I hope you spend many happy hours enjoying these recs :)

As you’ll see, the recs aren’t just fanfiction. And if you enjoy these talented people’s works, please take an extra minute and let them know! Feedback is the reward that nurtures these folks. And even if you're sending FB years after an author has written their fic, it still makes *such* a difference - it's so wonderful to know that there's still somebody reading and caring for your fic. And I have *even* known a few authors and artisans - long since retired from the A/L pairing - who came back to A/L with a little prompting ;) Oh, and if you do happen to leave any love letters, it’d be sweet if you told them who sent ya *winks* Oh, btw, I have good intentions of updating this on occassion *g*

Luce, vid by Leia, music by Elisa
Lucky, vid by Enedhil, music by Bif Naked
Il Passo Silenzioso della Neve, vid by Serez, music by Valentina Giovagnini
Bury My Lovely, vid by Nemesi, music by October Project
I Could Die For You, vid by Hazyshade, music by Red Hot Chili Peppers

'Le Abdollen' Frame-By-Frame Close Analysis, by Pseudonihilist

Lassegalen's Laire, by Elisa
Lord of the Rings Slash Art, by The Theban Band - the LotR page is gone because of a C&D, but it's worth doing a bit of googling for them ;)
Tien's Art

Anne Higgins - 'To Run' & 'A Song of Love'
Belinda, The Eyebrow of Doom - The Question & Bright Was He
Caenis - Elven Eyes, Human Hands
Capella - The Call of the Sea
Celli Lane - Shines Like Hope
Cheyenne Dancer - Penance & Taming Legolas
Dalogas Graywolf - The Hand of the King
Dhvana - The Descending Darkness series *link changed - includes entire series now*
Elfscribe - Ohtarnil
Gelfling - To Hesitate
J. Marie (Eruntalince) - No Ordinary Love
Kassandra - Night
Kitsune - 'Acceptance' Story Arc
Lady E - Leaves of Gold & The Homeless *NEW*
Mael Ithil - Aerlinn
Pecos - Beyond the Far Horizon *NEW*
Penelope_z - Marble Skin
Rhysenn - Through Bitter Chains
Sasjah Miller - Shadows and Tall Trees
Tenshi no Korin - Of Elves and Men
Tricia - The Nature of Fear & Deep Within
Twinkledru - Through the Leaves
Tyellas - Elf Slash Sarcasm
Your Cruise Director - Eventual

Here are the ones that, at some point in the past, I’ve written up a haphazard summary for. They aren’t any better or worse - I just happen to have a write-up of them.

Night and Day, by elgrey
“A meeting with Éomer and the apparent death of Aragorn make both Aragorn and Legolas re-examine their feelings for one another.”

Why I'm reccing: I'm such a sucker for vintage A/L, and this is the real deal - another one of the kinds of pieces that made us first fall in love with the pairing. I'll take the easy way out and repeat what I wrote to her: "It's just achingly lovely writing, so lyrical and full of emotion and yet not overdone at all. You have an amazing way with language and a real gift for figurative language; I wish I could invent the kinds of unique and vivid comparisons you make - they add so much to the moment you're portraying. And of course this is just hot, hot, hot, with delightful little twists of humor too."

I'll add to that an emphasis on the fact that the writing itself is not only uncommonly lovely (and elevated, which works soo well with FPS) but that this author commands a rare grasp of all the little technical workings of language; this reads very fluidly. And she’s got some of the best Aragorn Legolas dialogue interaction I’ve seen.

Silence, by lady_elina
Like a shimmering vein of mithril revealing itself amongst coarse, shattered rocks of the deep mines, such is this revelation: a sudden vision of something that has always existed below the surface, but only now captures light and betrays its presence, a silence forthwith heavy with significance.

Why I'm reccing: Lady E blurs poetry and prose with such grace that one could weep for the beauty of her lines. She’s my fav A/L author :) My favorite fic of hers though is actually "Leaves of Gold" (an A/L epic), which is listed above.

Most Elusive, by ignoblebard
"Nay," the Elf replied merrily, the tinge of mischief in his voice unmistakable, "you may have found me, but you have not caught me."

Why I'm reccing: You just have to read through this for the twist at the end *le sigh*

The Pond of the Dark by eyebrowofdoom
And then there came a day that Legolas did not speak to Aragorn at all, not when they slipped the boats into the wide, swift river at daybreak, the struts still wet with dew, nor when Aragorn lifted his oar to drip gilded light and call their midday's halt.

Why I'm reccing: Okay, I admit to being slightly confused by this story, but it’s lovely nevertheless.

Recognition by namarie120
Summary: "After many long years, the Elf and the adan meet again."

Why I'm reccing: As I told her, this reminds me of vintage A/L; it’s the kind they used to write but don’t anymore, which is sad, because it’s my favorite kind.

Interdependence, by Zarah
It was everywhere. Darkness still seemed to envelop, choke him, swallowing all sounds. Cold. The smell of blood clung to his skin, sickeningly sweet, and Aragorn needed...

He needed. It really was as simple as that.

Why I'm reccing; It’s Zarah. Enough said. It ain’t for nothing that she’s famous across fandoms. A/L just doesn't get a whole lot better than this. It's mostly canonical, the characterization is dead-on, the writing is lovely, and the story itself is bittersweet and haunting - it stuck with me the whole next day after I read it. It's the kind of fic that reminds you why you love this pairing. Click on the Movie Zone link on the left to find this story and the rest of her LotR FPS. And while you're at it, check out her A/L drabble, "Contrasts." It's one of the most exquisite, most perfect examples of the drabble form that I've ever seen, and probably the most perfect A/L one I’ve seen.

Abdication, by Namarie120

Why I'm reccing: If you're going to write dark AU deathfics, this is how it should be done. I wouldn't let the warnings off-put you; it's very easy to wrap one's mind around the two AU "what if?" premises that this story bases itself off of, and the story gives a wonderfully moving pay-off if you decide to read. The story proceeds very logically from these two departures, and though it is dark, it's surprisingly *not* overdone. It's so powerful precisely because it's not overdone, and that's something that I think is hard to achieve with an AU deathfic.

This Mortal Joy, by Eolianbeck
Summary: "The ring calls to Aragorn, but not for the reasons he had expected. Set during Fellowship, when they are all still together."

Why I'm reccing: The writing is there, the story is there, the characterization is there (one of the biggest pluses - some of the best characterization I’ve seen!), the conversations are well done. All around, just a great fic. And btw, I would say this is most definitely a strong R, not PG-13!

Minuial, by Pluto

Why I'm reccing: Many A/L fics focus on the unrequited love of one for the other, but this one is a precious rarity in that it posits that they have had a romantic relationship prior to Aragorn’s engagement and parted ways when Arwen came into the picture - but not on the best of terms. The story focuses on their coming to terms with their past and defining the terms of their new relationship as friends on the quest. Gorgeous, lovely writing, wonderful descriptive setting, great characterizations & dialogue, and it’s perfectly canonical. This is one where the pain is somehow even more piercing for how restrained Legolas keeps it checked.

Reforging Ties by Brenda Antrim

Why I'm reccing: Quite possibly the most horrifyingly detailed "Legolas gets captured and tortured by Orcs" squick-fic story I’ve ever read, and for a moment there I was having traumatic 'Celebrian of the Lavender Labia' flashbacks. But, this is also one of the purest, best examples of the hurt/comfort genre I’ve even seen in any fandom, and it is well written. It’s very well worth a read if one has a taste for the dark stuff or else has a strong stomach, but for everyone else, skip to the healing sex and you’ll be a very happy camper - the A/L loving is so incredibly sweet it almost seems like it belongs to another story altogether. This is also a story for Gimli lovers; he’s wonderful throughout this and has an endearing perspective on the goings-on.

Still Time, by Juxian Tang

Why I'm reccing: Anything by Juxian Tang, folks :) Starts off as Legolas/Thranduil incest, so be forewarned (incidentally, the only L/T fic I like). This is a quiet story, with a stream of consciousness style that flows beautifully and gives wonderful insights into the nature of time for Elves and what it’s like to have shattered the only world one’s ever known. Lovely, very deft writing, and the story really vibrates and comes alive in the end with the introduction of Aragorn, showing us the difference between the restrained eroticism of Elves together and what it is for an Elf to love a man.

Strength, by Lobelia Sackville Baggins

Why I'm reccing: A short vignette with a very pleasing style and wonderful character interaction and dialogue. The slash here is incredibly subtle and lovely in its almost-wistfulness, but we never forget that these are two warriors and brothers in arms. This I could more than see happening, so much so that I doubt even the most canon-minded could find fault with the hints of slash.

Initiative, by Esmeralda
A courtesan of Minas Tirith is visited by someone preparing to die.

Why I'm reccing: Blows me out of the water. So hot, so angsty, so subtle and sophisticated, and such a great ending. Incredibly, incredibly well-written fic and one of the most UNUSUAL I have seen in a long, long time. This is just everything fanfic should be. *happy sigh* Don't let the warnings phase you - there's serious het content, but it's weird, because the story’s really about the slash.

Poor Sport by Bailey

Why I'm reccing: Flawlessly written (looks professional) and a really fun ride. I absolutely loved the dynamic between the two and the sexy mysteriousness of the strange archer. Some very interesting Robin Hood allusions in this piece, recalling the Errol Flynn movie and the folk ballad upon which the story is based. Marvelously characterized all around with great dialogue and a well-set scene. And omg - damn hot conclusion. *thud* Can't remember the last time I got this worked up in a PG-rated story.

Cold by Namarie

Why I'm reccing: This was lovely, and quite lyrical. A most evocative and powerful piece with devastating passages. Killer opening and closing lines. Take the warnings extremely seriously, however. This fic gets an award for the most seriously fucked up piece of A/L darkfic ever written. Just, eww. This was morbid in a very Edgar Allen Poe-ish way; reminded me a bit of "Lenore". Wonderful mood piece for Halloween.

Crossbow Wedding by Bailey.

Why I'm reccing: Charming, sweet, hysterical (Elrond vs Thranduil dynamic), really fun read. Mpreg is only mentioned, so it's not a squick fic at all, and I'd definitely recommend it if you guys have been looking around for a good humor piece.

These following three are recced with qualifications:

The Importance of Being Subtle - Just for sheer, silly, fluffy fun. Not what I would call hot, being that there’s a Hobbit thrown in the mix, but it’s endearingly cute and charming, and there’s something about slightly bratty Legolas that’s delightful. And the writing is good. One can forgive almost anything if the writing is good.

Dream rewrite - Simple but delightful when one’s in the mood for something light and almost fluffy, yet very erotic. I think we all wish this was what Aragorn really dreamed of!

The Arms of Comfort - The author’s summary says it all: "Typical slash fare. Legolas is depressed and finds consolation in Aragorn’s arms. Takes place as the fellowship takes a break at Lothlorien." One of those delightful stories where half the Fellowship parades around Lothlorien in the middle of the night following each other :D Light and unintentionally humorous fare (I think this one manages to work in half my favorite clichés with this pairing - ha!) and a nice, relaxing read that hits the right hurt/comfort spots, like when you want a little h/c, but you don’t want the full-blown rape and torture. Perfect when you’re not looking for substance so much as a typical A/L PWP. Yay for porn!

*sighs* Reccing is usually a delicate business and one I get squeamish about. First of all, I’ve noticed in the past that politics between friends often play a part, so that feelings don’t get hurt. I, however, am a rat-bastard and do not rec fics by friends simply because they are friends (that doesn’t mean I haven’t enjoyed their writing, however). In the same token, I don't rec myself either ;)

What lies above is only a sampling of my favorites over the years. I’ll read any genre so long as I personally find the fic to be well done, but some genres are underrepresented or are conspicuously absent because I haven’t been fortunate enough to find examples that suit me. You’ll also see that 90% of the recs are from years ago, when everybody and their second cousin once removed on their mother’s side was writing this pairing. There was much more to choose from then, right after Fellowship and Two Towers came out. Fandom-wide tastes have also shifted since then, and I have not shifted with them, so that’s another reason why there isn’t much of a representation of newer works (and the fact that I haven't been reading in this pairing for a year now). Many of these are classics, and a number of the authors are BNFs, if not in this fandom anymore than in others like Harry Potter. Needless to say, however, I am not the arbiter of A/L, and while I’ve seen a good bit, I haven’t seen it all; my opinion isn’t worth much and certainly isn’t worth getting upset about. These are just my tastes.

Lastly, I lost a lot of fic I’d saved when my hard drive died this past year, so I’ve undoubtedly forgotten many other wonderful fics - and I’m always looking for more good reading and recs if anyone wants to pass something along I may have missed or lost! I'd like to make a particular plea for any A/L fics people may have saved from Rhysenn's "Alliance of Men and Elves" challenge back in 2001-2002, as that archive is gone forever. There were a handful of really gorgeous A/L ones in that too *sigh*

aragorn/legolas, recommendations

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