completely locked down

Aug 16, 2007 14:37

This journal was already half flocked, but I've now used the mass security tool to lock down all public entries. I've decided to leave a few recommendation pages up, however, and will probably eventually skim back through the journal and unlock a few other things.

What happened? A parent found this. *facepalm*

Family member in question, as you're nosy and more curious than my cat, I don't trust you to stay away, so now I've got to privatize the journal so that it's no longer viewable to the public.

Everybody else, feel free to point and laugh at my anguish :p

ETA: To family member in question. Something just occurred to me. I do track where the hits on this journal come from, so if you're visiting it, I will know. You can't do it on the sly, so no use trying to be sneaky *wink, wink*

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