(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 17:54


Ewan McGregor is my hero. He should be yours.

I know this is becoming the main theme on my journal, but I just want to take a minute to whine abot the fact that we had a House repeat last week and are getting another one this week. Even though American television is weeks ahead. Long, long weeks ahead.

So I'm starting to write again, woo hey. Nothing brilliant, but still something, and I really need to stop letting writer's block own me. Maybe I'm too complacent or something.

A few pieces for fanfic100.

Title: Only.
Fandom: MASH
Characters: B.J/Hawk
Prompt: Lovers.

Title: Just Be.
Fandom: MASH
Characters: Hawkeye/B.J
Prompt: 038. Touch

And this piece for mash100th which most have probably read but I'm really enjoying Trapper at the moment so I haveto say I liked it.

Something I've been into from the beginning but haven't given a lot of time to on my actual journal is RPS. I realise I have people friended from ewan_hayden, but there's quite a few from mash/harry potter/house etc. which aren't fandoms that I've read RPS for.

So I've read RPS all across the board. Star Wars, Lost, BBM, and recently Supernatural which is "Jensen Ackles and others" in my mind. To be honest, I'm really not sure why I got into it, apart from the hot factor. There's a lot of moral issues, I guess - if you want to think about them - girlfriends/wives/boyfriends/husbands involved, whatever. It hasn't ever fazed me, I guess I'm just a believer in freedom of expression and such. Plus, they're out there and they're celebrities and they have a lot more issues in their lives than no name fans writing porn.

As I read on, I found great writing with great characterisation: the concepts were intersting, they dealt with real issues, they 'humanised' [if you will] celebrities that many people forget aren't perfect. At all. It's fun, it's interesting, it's fandom. I've only written Ewan/Hayden and Jake/Heath, so I can;t say I'm an old professional or anything, but it's probably one of the more prevalent fandoms in my journal.

So I guess I'm posing the question: how do you feel abot RPS? good/bad/indifferent? Do you think there's grounds to be squicked by it? Have you read something that completely crossed the line and put you off forever? Have you written it?

For anyone interested in good Supernatural - or alternatively Warner Bros, which apparently encompasses Smallville One Tree Hill and all those other tackily bad shows I promise I don't watch - feel free to look in my memories. There's not many as I'm relatively new to the fandom, but that will change.

Happy Easter, to anyone who celebrates, may the bunny bless you with the chocolate and keep the big hips to himself.


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