(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 21:46

[music| Vincent - Don Mclean ]

On the 5th of April, this journal turned one. I think it's going to pack it's bags and leave me for completely forgetting, though. Happy Birthday journal, ya know I love ya ;)

In other news, I've a bastard wisdom tooth I'd pay to have yanked out with rusty pliers, a few fics on the run that I'm excited for and hope to do justice with, and nothing else but it would have been nice to have a third and fill out the sentence. Still.

A few recs to appease the hungry crowd?

Brokeback Mountain

Title: Countless Times
Author: moshesque
Pairing: Ennis/Jack
Rating: hard R
Summary: The thing about Jack was that he didn't know when to shut up.

Title: Average Man
Author: hackthis
Pairing: Ennis/Jack Ennis/Alma
Rating: PGsomething
Summary: Ennis Del Mar is an average man.

Harry Potter

Title: Scars
Author: froda_baggins
Pairing: Bill/Remus
Rating: PG
Notes: AU, spoilers for HBP
Summary: He didn't want people to look at him, and didn't want to look at other people, for fear of what he'd see in their faces.

Title: Various ficlets
Author: analytically
Pairing: Remus/James
Rating: from G to NC17
Summary: Three posts for this authors challenge at fanfic100.

I'd be really interested to know how many times they use the term 'meatball surgery' in MASH. Also, I've always loved Radar, but I'm strangely only starting to realise the enormous talent Gary Burghoff had bringing that character to life. He's crazy funny.

recs, lj landmarks

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