(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 12:06

[music|Let it Be - Kane ]

Why can't fandom be good to me? I have a million tiny little ideas in my head: Hawk/Trapper [Kelly, we still have to talk about Trapper because I'm slowly becoming involved and last time ultmash or mash_slash or whoever proved really unhelpful in getting a conversation off the ground] Hawk/B.J, Ennis/Jack ... all these things I should be writing for fanfic100 and just can't. [/emo self pitying rant.]

OK. So I'll admit I watched House while two other people kept chatting away in the same room and it wasn't my place so I couldn't complain, and well, the medical jargon confuses me at the best of times. Mostly I just sit, glazed over, thinking about how pretty it is when House and Wilson start having their involved rants about whatevers going on that week. This weeks quote:

Dr. Wilson: We're...not together.
House: He's so self-loathing.

When House said to Cameron that the 'tests came through' and then shook his head 'no', I thought he was talking about her HIV tests. Then at the end we see her crossing off the days until her results. I realise now that he must have been talking about the tests Cameron made him run on the HIV patient, because she wanted him to be diagnosed with something they could treat. I mean, no shit Lisa, why would House be getting Cameron's results. That's stupid. Right. OK. But she has to wait that long? I know I've got my 'you are sadly naive' fly gaping open here but ... that's ridiculous.

On that same note, I'm so glad House didn't take her aside and be all 'are you okay is there anything I can do?' because their little D and M in Daddy's Boy was toeing the line of indecent. Umm ... I blame hawkeyecat and hawkeyesmartini for my critical perception of Cameron. Though I wouldn't wish HIV on her so it's not that bad. While we're on the Cameron thing, I was over at TV.com, and in the Trivia section it says 'while Cameron seduces Chase' ... ummm. No. Actually. It was more along the lines of 'Let's be dirty' and 'Sure, I'm game.'

I know this is getting really long winded but I'll finish with something on House: I can love that man unconditionally. Which I guess, means, Shore is doing his job right. What he did to Stacy? Unforgivable. The games he's playing with her husband? Pathetic. But I wouldn't change him. Or try to 'save' him forom himself becase you learn not to bother with people who wouldn't bother with themselves.

If I was laid up in a hospital bed at Princeton, I'd probably want Foreman or Wilson to look after me. Not that I'd want cancer but ... you know what I mean. Cameron wouldn't tell me the truth and House would do so by making me feel like the bad guy and no thanks. Also? I just realised that Foremans first name is Eric. I keep thinking of Topher Grace. It doesn't work for me.

Off to see Ice Age 2.


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