<3 I think my mum has special powers. She always manages to choose the days I'm geared up to write as days she needs me to do a million things. How does she do it, I'd love to know.
<3 Speaking of! Today, my friends, I hit the 22,000 word mark on my big bang! which, admittedly, means I've only added 6,000 onto what I had BUT I've been consistent, and working, and loving, so :D. I'm both tremendously proud, and also fucking terrified that it won't become everything it promises to be. FINGERS CROSSED!
<3 Just for something different, I have a Supernatural rec! It's mostly gen, with a little Dean/Castiel pre-slash, but if you're not into that you can read this anyway. It's about Dean getting hexed by a young witch so that he can only talk in netspeak, and it's AWESOME.
:D by aramley <3 I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series. I'm up to Goblet of Fire. It's strange how you can read a serious three or more times through but STILL when it gets to this crucial turning point you're hoping that you'll turn the page and Cedric won't take the cup, and Voldemort will drown, and Ginny will stay with Dean - who was totally justified in being jealous, she was in love with Harry the whole time! Ahem.
<3 I saw Alice in Wonderland last thursday and I was pretty underwhelmed. I'm not overly familiar with the books, but I had a vague idea of who we were going to meet along the way and such. I don't know, it was just ... meh. The girl who played Alice did really well - another talented Australian, may I point out - and the acting was all really good but. I just thought it was ... whatever.
= Rhubarb and Apple crumble!
= My nephew calling and asking me to get him some stuff for origami because he's into it now!
= My job being secure! For the time being!
= A two year old 'tutting' me when I ask her to do something. Priceless :)
= due South readers enjoying my recent story :D:D:D
= due South! Seriously. I think everyone should give it a try. It makes me want to hug the television.
= The video that
enablelove posted, where Jensen talks about 'The End', and Jared, and fans, and he looks soooo fucking happy, you guys. I'm so glad!
= FLIST <3