all by myselffffffffff, I wanna beeeeeeeee

Mar 19, 2010 23:17

Dear World,

I just want to get this off my chest. Sometimes More times than not, if I've had a bad day, if I need to relax or unwind or be good with everything again, what I need does not include friends, or a drink, or a party, or an event or even exercise. Sometimes More times than not, it is chocolate [and more than the recommended two pieces, shutup] and tea and a book or a fan fiction or a movie. I am more of a hermit than I am a social butterfly and it does not mean I don't love my friends, or my life, or I have some deep seated issue with shit. The reason I'm telling you this is because I need to learn to accept it and you, world, with all your socialites and your outdoor-fun loving people are not making it easy. The world does not have time for hermits, I don't care what anyone says.

Yours [on my own terms],


Fraser/Ray K>

I don't like it when people try to force their love of things on me - don't worry, it has not happened on LiveJournal - so I will not do this to you. HOWEVER, I will say, if I was that annoying person, that, OH BUT YOU MUST WATCH, OH BUT YOU WILL LIKE IT, people, then due South would be the thing to make me do it. I love this show so, so much, and one of the main reasons is because of Fraser and RayK's relationship. There are a MILLION reasons, but I think the main one is, RayK comes in with a million chips on his shoulder, spends two years taking it out on Fraser and in the end? They get on a sled together and ride off into the sunset. They are a million opposing imperfections, becoming perfect. I love them so hard.


Haha, this is really hard. I mean, I do think this is a beautiful country, and the good outweighs the bad [though the bad is bad enough] but, I don't know. I'm not teribly patriotic. I don't identify as 'an Australian' in any broad sense. I've always been very utopian in my idea that we could all one day be one race - meaning, one people, but not to disippate different languages or cultures but just, that one day we could be blind to it. Which is so, so, so Utopian but, it's how I feel. I've seen most of Australia, met a lot of different people, and it's been great, but. I don't know. I think I have to spend some time working on my national identity.


Aw, am I? Haha. Yeah, I guess I am. It isn't easy in this family, who are - albeit good people - traditionalists and see things in a completely different way to me and think I'm being melodramatic when I argue with them about sexuality and race and politics and whatever else comes up over the dinner table but people know where I stand, which is good. I'm really, really vanilla when it comes to thigns of a ~personal nature, haha, but each to their own. If it makes you happy, then make it happen <3

post titles

Haha, most of the time they're due Soth quotes, which is why bigmamag picks up on them. Sometimes they're just totally random, and stupid, but I watch a lot of TV shows, so that's a lot of material to work with. I'm not very creative. I should have thought about that before I took up writing as a serious hobby.


One day I stumbled upon a Jensen/Chris Kane story. I'm serious. HOWEVER, it eventuated into Jensen/Jared. I had no idea who these people were, so I IMDBd them. "Hey, that's Dean from Gilmore Girls!" I exclaimed. "I hated him!" Anyway, luckily the story was so good, I read another. Luckily this fandom's story writing was of such a high standard, I liked that too. Then, figuring out these two boys were part of a show together, I started watching said show and, well, the rest is history. Too use a tired cliche.

I've never been into anything like Supernatural. I got into Firefly, later on, but that's on a totally different playing feild, in my opinion. You can't pigeonhole it the same way as Supernatural. The selling point for me was the relationship between Sam and Dean, obviously, and the friendship between Jared and Jensen off screen. In Supernatural's case, fandom - at least my experience of fandom - has helped me stay so loyal to it. It's had a lot of downs, as you know, and a lot of people have gone the other way [fuck you, bandom] but, yeah. Jard and Jensen are this show's life blood, and I wouldn't have looked twice if it weren't for them.

i am my own worst enemy, the one with the canadian mountie, i've got demon blood in me dean

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