heyyy !! w0ww beingg in keyb0ardingg bangingg a drum iS so cute!! i*m withh thee usuall girLss. ii unbl0ckedd s0niaa. lol s0 yesTerdayy it was soo0ooo fuckinggg b - e - a - utifyL dayy outsideeeee & we haDdd a gamMee =] we l0stt lol yipPieee =) but we are cute s0 d0n*t hate =] .lol we weree inNn mamaronecKkk =] whiCh iDk h0ww t0 saAyy teEhEe.. we weree d0wNn byy the haaaaaaaaaaborr.and the riv-ahh =] lol they are so flippingg rich its amazingg. i bett theree waterr fountains haDd h0t teaAa&miLkK [nN] sugArRr =] lol the bus ridee was a m a z i n n g = ] haha yEa o0k . lol everyone was tellingg ME H0W THEY HATE ME ! lol jessiCaa is s0 eviL . lol AND MAGGIEE THE C0UGHERR! lol we are soO flippingg cuteE! lol ii didn*tt gett h0mee tyll like 830 but i had mCd0naLdSz s0 itt maDee mEe hapPyy=) the buS ridee homee i talkedd to maggiee who i loveee alottt =) she*s the beSt haha her angeRr . lol and i wAs s0 nase0uss & hungRyy iTt waS amazingg. and my flippingg toe nail came off and it was so painful and it lo0kSs cutee esPp f0r sumMer sandaLss riioteee =) oo yeahhh i lovee h0w y0u fall d0wn a flight of stairss and are asked if ur alritee by 4 indian 8th grade b0yss?> yeaa thatss cutee.. lol andd ilovee how i*m failingg living environment bcC ii owe 4 labS thatSz cuTeRrr =] lo0l my lpHh iSss ovaAaa=] lol but thatS oKkKk!! lol yipPpPpiiieeeee=] lol welllllll ii oweee aboutt 10 pageS in keyb0ardingg bC im laZyy s0 ii muSt bee g0ingg stalkerss =]
yeaaaaaaa b0yy! thatt meansS y ouu =]
sAy0nArRaAa tRyy t0m0rRoWw niCee t0o kn0ww yAa =] md0ttayyy*