gr0winnn upPp c0nfuSedd myy m0mmaa kissiNnnn a girL ;]

Apr 04, 2005 10:28

hello0oo .. l0ngg timee n0o updatee.. s0rry stalkerss ;] welllll ... o0n fridayy wee weree supp0sedd t0 g0 t0 thee cittyyy witthh t0mmy&michellee butt planss fell thruu =/ soo inn a h0t minutee wee went t0 cr0ss c0untyy with every0nee. we atee fr0m appLebee*ss andd it wass my birthdayy .. well t0 them it was :] . my cakee lo0kedd like do0o-d0o s0o t0mmyy atee a bitee and wasSs g0ing t0 barf. it made me laugh . =] . thenn ii sawww jeffreyyy.. g0shh peoplee changee =D . lol ii taughtttt thee creww my imfam0uss c0ughh that every0nee sweatss c0ss itss freshh2deathh ;]lol i*m a l0ser.. thenn o0n saturdayy i wass @ michelleee*ss =] i l0veS herr. we swungg dancee & chiLLedd .. i leftt @ likee 4 t0 g0 t0o s0ftball practicee. g0shh i l0vee my girlss they are the beSt. my teamS the beSt team . lol =] we*ree h0t ! y0u*ree n0t! get overr it ; ] . hehee . jk . thenn ii wentt t0 benniganss myy sec0ndd h0mee .. ii l0vee it there. .hEhHe . ii ateee al0tttttt ;) . thenn o0n sundayy . i haDd s0ftbaLL again . lol then ii camee h0mee & atee. and talkeDd o0n the c0mputer.. whatt a lifee riooteee;) s0o n0ww .. im in keyb0ardingg. thatss h0t ;]. lol i*m wytt maryy & s0niaa . im onLy talkingg t0 maryy bc i bl0cked s0niaa haha . firStt peri0d ii t0ld ms huds0n i hate her . whiCh i d0o . n0w she will sweat mee . haha michelle after stealing the living environmentt testt : 0MGG gUySs n0ww u can t0tallyy sweatt me : lol o0nlyy her. l0ol an0therr michellee c0mmentt fr0m when i waSs @ herr h0usee

mee: what animal d0ess  turkey c0mee fr0m ?

micheLLEe : c0ww , duhh .

lol flipPpinn idi0tt.

andd i*m planningg my flipPinn fifteeNn . i*m s0o enciteDd . ! loL suZyy. s0ciall studieS wass whacKk .. i alm0st had t0 present my africaa book o0n a liger. hehe =] . & we watchedd a moviee o0n the p0pee. he*ss so flippingg cutee! i feel bad =[ . bummMer.. livingg envir0nmentt labb i wass t0ld im failingg bcc  ii owee 4 labss. which meanss i fail livingg envir0nmentt which meanss i cantt takee the regentSs . which meanss i have to take it in summerr scho0l o0r take it next yearr. j0y0uss. i havee t0 finish them .. maybee =] lol i*m a fuckupp butt that*ss graVyy. =] .. n0w me*&this girl s0nia =] are sufferingg bCc mary*ss reciting christian things. . yippiee. well thiss is beatt butt i*dd figuree i*dd updatee thee peopLEeee !! =] [x] stalkerS;] l0ve yAa
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