diDN*T wE aLM0ST hAVE iT aLL? tHE niTES hELD oN tiLL tHE m0RNiNG.u*LL nEVER l0vE tHAT wAY aGAiN =]

Apr 09, 2005 11:29

w0ww ii l0vee saturdaySs =] ii wakee uPp & eatt strawberryy icecreamm all s0upedd uPp & p0pc0rRn shrimpPp is in the ovenn =] veryy weLL-balanCedd ii kn0ow=] well laSt niiitteee waS fun =] went t0 the ((iNTERNATi0NAL gALA)) withh thee girLss <3 itt waS mee - micheLLee - liSaa - cariNaa - & danieLLee - aNd n0Laa " pariS " mentzErr . maRy was iNn it s0 we diDN*t chiLL wit hERr that muCHh.. tHe onLy gr0upsz that weRe go0d weree the ARABSSSSS!! and the stepp teaMm & the afriCan*Sz . =] lol s0 we watChed them & misSed the laSt 2w0o bc0sz we wanted 2 be firSt t0 eat =] s0 we went d0wn stairS in the cafeteria. and it was PARADiSE omgg meE& micheLLe aLL t0gether had fiiiiveee plateS of foOd. peopLe were like 'damNn ur beastinnn' haha & we were liKe -yeS we kn0w- lol s0 we eaTt & deciDe that we waNt t0 g0 outsiDe bCc micheLLe waS being cauStr0ph0biCc .. lol s0 we g0o outsiDe and whatt d0o we sEe ? a streeetchhh escaLadee whiteee withh spinnerSs wyTt a jAcuzziii limoOo =] omgg we were sO gassed!! lol s0 we g0o insiDee witt the muSicc blaStingg. andd he driVes uS ar0undd .. it waS s0oooooo niiiceEee =] we to0k ab0ut a th0usandd pictureS =) lol ii can*tt w8 t0o see themm =] so0o we get o0utt & theNn chyLLedd .. d.Bb getS mee & ii g0o h0mMee =] thaT waS myy niiteee ! & t0dayy ii have sd0tb praCtiCe witt myy giiirLsss <3 & me & suZaNneeee aRe DETERMiNED t0 w0rRk hERr riNgt0neSz caBLEe . loL we wiLL d0o itT ! lol HAPPY BiRTHDAYY t0O mYY sEc0NDD m0M j L 0 O 0 O 0 O ! ii l0veS herr ! o0kk that*Ss my liifeee peaCee stalkerSs [X]
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