It's Mardi Gras and I've been stuck in my cube all day with nary a parade in sight. I should be granted some sort of nation-wide exemption so I don't have to work on Mardi Gras, no matter where I live. When you are born into and grow up with that culture, it's in your blood, you know? Such a travesty, working today.
Although, I did wear my derby and some beads in an effort to feel celebratory. It didn't really work, mainly because I got so much shit for it. We had a departmental meeting today and my boss made fun of me for the beads, and my coworkers laughed at me. But, like I told them, "It's not my fault that the rest of the country sucks." They don't know what they're missing...which, I guess, makes them luckier than I.
The Bourbocam is neat but it's just not the same. Plus it's NOLA, which is only really cool if you're on a balcony in the French Quarter. Well, only really cool for me, I mean; you (yes, you) might like being part of that crowd. Hundreds of thousands of drunk people fighting over beads, coins, and cups isn't really my idea of fun. In Lafayette there are tons of people, sure, and most of them are drunk, but at least there's room to move around, and the risk of being hit by falling bullets is minimal. I need to order a
King Cake, even if today marks the end of the season. Then I can bring it to work and not share any because everyone was mean to me!
Guess I'm just homesick. These beads are like shiny, plastic, bittersweet albatrosses around my neck.
In other news*, I got to talk to
greenguru on AIM for the first time ever today. Yay for new LJ friends IMing me! She does make me extremely self-conscious about my grammar, and she did say my default LJ usericon looks "gender neutral," but I guess that's forgivable. We're supposed to meet soon! Like, in real life!
*By-the-by, if there's a better phrase for a random and unrelated change in subject matter aside from "in other news," please feel free to let me know.