It's 7:50 on a Friday ...

Feb 10, 2012 07:50

Holy shit! I am SO glad January is over. Month from hell doesn't even begin to describe it. But here we are ten days into February, and I'm still catching up on far too much, not just work, but fandom things like answering fic comments from a month ago. Better late than never! (And my beloved NY Giants KICKED ASS AND TOOK NAMES, so there was some joy amidst the pain!)

Work will continue to be busy (although not hellish like January! *shudders*) for the next month or two, but then I should be able to catch a little break. Maybe even get some more fic writing done. And reading. Gah! I've got so many things bookmarked, I may never catch up.

I fear I'm losing my Night Owl status as well, as I've been going to sleep ridiculously early lately (before 11!) and as a result, waking up at stupid o'clock in the morning. That would be great if I had to commute to work. I could use the time to do some actual work, or housework, *looks around at god-awful clutter, mountain of laundry, dust, and floors that need to be mopped/vacuumed* but instead I faff about on the internet and listen to the birds who seem to think it's springtime outside.

Then again, with the crazy temperatures this winter, it's been more springlike than many springs I can recall. We did have snow Wednesday night, but it was just flurries, and once again it was 50F degrees yesterday. Most of the time, I don't even bother to grab my coat when I leave the house. The annual Polar Bear Club swim last weekend down here had one its highest attendances ever. Not that I'm complaining.

I did go see the FMA movie, but it was the dubbed version, so I had to sit through the whiny voice of Vic Mignogna instead of the dulcet tones of Romi Park (and no Miki! Woe!) but it was enjoyable, and I'll pick it up on DVD eventually. Also my Aziatix boys are coming back to NYC next month, so I got tix for me and paranoidsistah for that.

I feel like I've been in passive lurker mode more than active mode (probably because I have!) so I have nothing to contribute to the great fannish conversation. Alas! But I did want to mention the awesome bonus fic I got over at rs_small_gifts as a thank you for writing extra bonus fics for the pinch hitters:

Adventures in Astronomy by the fabulous mindabbles
Summary: Sirius has lost his book. James, Lily, and Peter think he may have also lost his mind.
Rated: H for HAWT (er, NC-17)

Sleepy rimming! Adorable, dorky, naughty notes in books! Assertive Remus! Moping Sirius! James and Lily being awesome! I knew Min was going to write something for me, because she is insane like that, even though it was totally unnecessary, but if she hadn't, there wouldn't be this awesome fic of awesome, so who am I to complain? :-P ♥

Oh, god. It's not even 8 a.m. yet. This is going to be a looooooong day. *needs moar coffee*

like the weather, work sucks, aziatix all day, recs, fma, remus/sirius

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