Holy shit! I am SO glad January is over. Month from hell doesn't even begin to describe it. But here we are ten days into February, and I'm still catching up on far too much, not just work, but fandom things like answering fic comments from a month ago. Better late than never! (And my beloved NY Giants KICKED ASS AND TOOK NAMES, so there was some
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Comments 6
That's a shame FMA was dubbed. Listening to Vic M. for that long as Ed would be like fingers on a chalkboard. What a bummer you didn't get to hear Miki-san! :(
I like Vic as Tamaki in Ouran. Well, okay, he's less annoying for some reason. But his Ed voice is such a nasally whinge ... GAH! The Japanese cast blows the American cast out of the water, though Travis whatsisface who does Roy isn't terrible. He's just NOT MIKI! (And there was no Hughes. :( )
I would have been a bad fit for FMA fandom. I just don't ship Roy/Ed. I ship Roy/Hughes. (And Roy/Riza, and of course Hughes/Gracia) And if I shipped Ed in a slash ship? It would totally be Ed/Ling. (Okay, so Ling wasn't in the original. Maybe if I'd watched that first ... nope. Still would have shipped Roy/Hughes. And it's not even the age thing. I AM A REBEL!)
Good recommend, though. That was an awesome story.
January was a really weird month. It's thrown my sleep/waking patterns off, too.
I love that story! ♥
My sleep patterns are totally borked. Well, for me! They're actually pretty "normal" right now - asleep before midnight, up @ 7 a.m. - but considering I've never really had normal sleep patterns, it's totally throwing me off! Even this morning, I woke up at 5:30 and had to force myself to go back to sleep. And then I woke up at 7. On a Saturday. Whyyyyyyyyyy??????
*points to icon*
I still have to read the manga. I only read it online, but the books look so pretty and pristine in their case, I don't want to crease them! :-P I need another set - one for the pretty and one to actually read!
Also, Hi BB! I have been going to sleep at stupidly early hours so I haven't seen you in yoinks! I MISS YOU!!!!
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