
Dec 17, 2011 02:15

I'm free!  I'm officially finished with my first semester of college!  A miracle!  Pretty sure I was going to die this week; I was so swamped.  Yesterday was the worst.  I had to turn in a portfolio of poems plus a short story, which I hadn't had the chance to write, so I had to write it all Wednesday and yesterday.  I finished it just in time, however I had to leave right away for my Journalism exam.  I had to spend so much time on my short story, I only had half an hour to study for the exam.  Luckily, Seth was in my Journalism class and had the study guide filled out.  I only had half an hour to go over it, then I had to run out to take the damned thing at 3 pm.  Without breakfast.  Without showering.  Even without brushing my teeth!  Uck!  I was that busy trying to get everything done for the end of the semester and studying for my finals.  It was hell.  Then after that exam (which I just found out I somehow managed an A on), I had to hurry to Seth's dorm, send him off to print my poetry and story, then I grabbed it and ran to turn the portfolio into my Imaginative Writing teacher's mailbox on time.  It was awful.

Poor Seth had to deal with me.  I was so stressed and emotional, and in general, a bitch.  Poor Sethicus.  I'm definitely going to apologize to him for being batshit.

Today I had my last exam:  International Studies.  Again, I barely had time to study.  I was so busy cleaning up my room, running to the Student Union to return my books, packing, washing dishes.  The list goes on and on.  In the end, I only had an hour to study, but it was enough.  The test ended up being mega easy, which is ironic; I was so worried about it, and was positive it'd be the hardest exam.

But I'm home now, chilling out with my sister who is back from China (well, she's not chilling out; she's telling me about an experience she had that includes a Tibetan monk randomly following her and yelling at a waitress and generally scaring everyone in the vicinity).

Randomly:  Last night I had a dream that I went to see D'espairsRay live.  The hall was fairly empty, so while D'espa was sound checking, I did a little twirl.  Then HIZUMI looked at me and asked me if I could please not twirl again; I could hurt someone.  I apologized and promised I wouldn't do it again.  I was thinking, "WAAAAH!  HIZUMI scolded me!" and I woke up feeling ashamed of myself.  XD

It's the holiday season!  The semester is over, I'm sure I got all As (except for perhaps Japanese, which could possibly be a B), and I'm home.  All is well!

Happy Holidays, again, everyone!       

irl, seth, college, dreams

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