Oct 27, 2011 12:41
Oh gosh, guys. I spent over $7 playing DDR yesterday. I don't even know how it happened--I just couldn't stop loading the quarters in. That was money I needed for envelopes and stamps. DDD8
I think I may need to go to rehab. My name is Michelle and I am a DDRaholic.
Gosh, I even have three home games I could have played for free... but the arcade machine has awesome songs like Xepher and Fascination Maxx and I just couldn't control myself!
...I should be studying right now. I have a speaking test today in 日本語。It's over my name, where I was born, how old I am, etc. Pretty easy stuff, though can't say I'm thrilled about having to do it.
こんにちわ! わたしのなまえはミシェルです。メキシコ人です。出身はグアダラハラです。スペイン語を話します。BG大学の学生です。文学ぶの一年生です。せんこうは文学です。
There. I studied.
So, I wrote a new poem for Imaginative Writing. It's actually only the first draft, so they'll probably be tons of revisions later.
Today for Imaginative Writing, we're writing a two-line stanza to yell out in class. My stanza is going to be about how the food court at my dorm cuts off the stems off the bananas so you can't open the damned thing! It pisses me off!
That is all. :3
EDIT: Oh my gosh. Stinkin' lj isn't letting me cut up my poem into stanzas. >8C I'm just deleting it.
minor: asian studies/japanese,
major: journalism,
major: creative writing