Title: The Most Unnecessary of Apologies
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Sex 2Prompt: #19. Rough
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 300
Summary: The first time Jack merges their sex life with their work life... (Follows "
You Know You Want It.")
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
cut tag. )
I love how sweet they are, even when they're playing rough.
I think I will take your Jack/Liz as canon since Carlock continues to ruin the hopes and dreams of shippers everywhere.
Also, will she ever have a baby bump? (Disregard if she has one in any promo pictures, which I have avoided.)
I can't really predict what they'll do at this point. I thought the baby might be fake. It seems like they don't want their relationship to seem like a good one, unless it's just the way things roll now. I could see them trying to be brave and actually marry off a main character, even if they have to split later (what will be the plot in season six??) It's just sad it has to sort of diminish Jack in the meantime - if he proposes on a whim, has a kid, splits up with mom later. It's arguable Jack was always a cad with his (romantic) women, but somehow it wasn't this annoying...
As far as I can tell, there isn't a baby bump in the Christmas ep promos - or there's a really small one... and this baby is due when, did they say? Beginning of the year? WUH OH.
Butting in to say OMG THAT DROVE ME MAD. And there was one post titled 'Avery: most hated character on 30 Rock' and it was how the shippers are irrationally hating on her and how most of us are women complete with a '...'. I had to physically remove myself from the computer because I was so close to replying with some real crazy.
I think the Jack/Liz shippers are a reasonable bunch. Sure some of us say 'gtfo' but for the most part those things are said in jest.
I think we are, too... I think it's possible the hate will go over-the-top, but I don't think we're there yet, and I don't think it's wrong to vent a little. Everyone needs to vent!
This message was brought to you by Extreme Shipper Denial, endorsed by Mindy.
Maybe babies created by the union of two soulmates have a longer gestation period. And their love is so pure, it will take this baby eight years to be born!
But, really, what the hell is this all about? I need to know when this baby is coming out, so I can steel myself.
On Tumblr I am sticking mostly with the Jack/Liz people, but I kind of couldn't help seeing the post muic and I were referencing, and it bummed me out. I almost responded to it directly, but I feel like that's always going to result in animosity, even if I don't mean it to, since people can be really nasty about Jack/Liz shipping. Because, of course, if I want two characters to get together romantically, it negatively impacts the lives of others in deep, deep ways and they should hate me forever! (Sarcasm all up in this post.) I really don't get why people care so much about what other fans enjoy since, even if a ship annoys you, you can ignore it and move on with your life. At least that's what I've done. But what do I know, I'm ( ... )
But, really, what the hell is this all about? I need to know when this baby is coming out, so I can steel myself.
OMG SAME. I need to know whether it is worth still loving this show and these people. I am just waiting now cos I cannot BELIEVE that they think this is the way to go. I mean...WHAT. the. BLERG.
See, I don't get that either. Why do people have to get so nasty about it? There's just no need. They make out that shippers have got it all wrong when it's just another perspective and WE GET THAT. We're not a cult trying to convert everybody or anything. And I might be biased but I think the shippers are the ones that are more reasonable, more cool about it and the ones NOT creating all the division.
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