Title: The Most Unnecessary of Apologies
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Sex 2Prompt: #19. Rough
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 300
Summary: The first time Jack merges their sex life with their work life... (Follows "
You Know You Want It.")
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
cut tag. )
It is really a question of intent for me, re: Jack/Avery. Like, you know, I was obviously reading the love triangle plot/his feelings about the women wrong all along, so maybe Jack and Avery are supposed to be a perfectly reasonable couple? I know I did see a couple people on tumblr dismissing those who have concerns about them as a couple as crazy Jack/Liz shippers/ladies who are jealous of Avery/blah blah blah whatever, so there does have to be a segment of fandom who thinks this is all hunky dory and maybe they are the ones who are in the right. And, yeah, it wasn't always this annoying... I suppose because it is different when a kid's involved, and after the third time a dude gets engaged in four years, it just starts to seem ridiculous.
I don't want to keep harping on this, but she is supposed to be almost seven months pregnant at this point! What is this about. I honestly want an answer!
Butting in to say OMG THAT DROVE ME MAD. And there was one post titled 'Avery: most hated character on 30 Rock' and it was how the shippers are irrationally hating on her and how most of us are women complete with a '...'. I had to physically remove myself from the computer because I was so close to replying with some real crazy.
I think the Jack/Liz shippers are a reasonable bunch. Sure some of us say 'gtfo' but for the most part those things are said in jest.
I think we are, too... I think it's possible the hate will go over-the-top, but I don't think we're there yet, and I don't think it's wrong to vent a little. Everyone needs to vent!
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