I'm bored. I mean really fucking bored. Bored to the point I just want to run out in front of a train jsut so something new might happen. I hate being an insomniac. This, by the way, should show you how bored I am.
Toms Quiz PageThanks Tom.
Take the
Hearts personality quiz, and visit
Castle Diqueria.
Which Pirates of the Caribbean
character are you? You are John Constantine.
John has a strong knowledge of the occult and at
times he appears to wield strong magical
but he has also become known as something of a
con-man, more likely to talk
himself out of
trouble than pull a rabbit out of a hat.
What Gritty No Nonsense Comic Book Character are
You? brought to you by
which Goonie are you? quiz
carrie Dying bravely for king and country is what every
solder both
dreams of and fears, isn't it? Long
nights spent on guard, hard marches, and
brutality of war surrounded you, but you held
fast to your honor and loyalty. You
determined to march off into the face of the
enemy, screaming your country's
battle cry and
dying with your leader's name on your lips...
you got your wish, and
you took a lot of the
Other Guys down with you. A real hero. Guess
what, hero?
Although no one can say that
loyalty and honor are bad qualities, sometimes
you need
to take a look at what it is you're
fighting for. Devoted to the Cause? Determined
see it through? Ask yourself why. If it's
something WORTH fighting for, you should
able to find that 'why', and if it's not...
then put down your gun, soldier. Stay
Marry. Have kids. Whatever makes you happy.
Take a turn, this lifetime, at being
what the
heros are fighting for... at least until you
know WHY you're fighting.
What were you in a Past Life? brought to you
Quizilla Halaku: The Slayers
After God created man and woman he returned to
Heaven, his labors complete ... leaving
and decay to follow in his wake. The Slayers
were the angels of mortality,
tending to those
who had passed. Now they're masters of spirit
who can raise ghosts,
reap souls from living
bodies or trap them in vessels of their
infernal choosing.
Choose your Place in Hell. brought to you by
Which Family Guy character are
you? You are Both Tyler and Jack...You care about
valuables, but at
the same time don't care
about how much you have. You're well-balanced;
a little bit
of both shy and confident. Let's
just hope you keep it that way...
Which Fight Club Character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla You are Homer Simpson. You are a lazy slob whose
only real attribute is that
you are a ton of
fun even if you do usually leave a mile long
path of havoc in your
Which "Simpsons" Character Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Which Trainspotting
Character Are You? You are Dennis the Repressed! A political activist
way ahead of your time. Everyone is always out
to get you...but you'll fight the dirty
bastards to the death!