Stoopid Spam bots! MY LIVEJOURNAL IS NOT YOUR PLAYGROUND! Argh. I seem to be getting a ton of spam comments lately (they especailly seem to be targeting This entry for some reason.) :p Most of the spam is about cheap "sowtware" (misspelling of software)
The night before last I had a strange dream that actually MADE SENSE. Raphael and I were folding cloth napkins into various pretty shapes to set at people's places at tables (like I used to do at an old job where I worked as a waitperson at a spendy retirement home) I was trying (unsuccessfully) to show Raph how to do it and he was getting
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Wow. There's been a lot of drama in the turtlecest comm lately over a dingleberry who goes by "xile", he's all being a scarily stupid troll in a DeviantArt comm called "#anti-turtlecest
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Okay, I meant to have this completely finished before the end of last year. But, happy late birthday, and this is my gift fic to fulfill this entry. NYAR! :D I hope you like it, GW
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Well, here's the 1st of my promised Xmas present fics! This one is for Jordan (aloneindarknes7) She wanted a Rafieo/Mikey ficlet with the prompt "Blush".
Title: A Good Dream Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pairing: Dark Raphael Clone from Fast Forward aka "Rafieo" / Michaelangelo Author: Mica Word Count: 377 Rating: PG-13 BETA: None really, but aloneindarknes7 looked it
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First of all, my friend kaz26 wrote me an AWESOME lil TMNT ficlet for a Xmas present: See it's shinyness? Yay! It's imageverse, and made of AWESOME :D (altho I might be biased since I'm kinda an image fangirl
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