Here is the writeup about Saturday!! This is the day we all dressed up as sexy ninja turtles. It was made of AWESUHM! :D
Sunday MIGHT be posted tomorrow, but I can't promise, as I am not finished writing it (okay, so I lied when I said I was completely done with my writeup) Hopefully if I don't get it posted tomorrow, I'll get it finished by the end of the weekend (although I don't know, I tend to be notoriously lazy on weekends)
And *MAYBE* I'll have a sexy girl!Mikey icon by then. I just have to remember to ask/beg/cajole
soliloquy into making one for me :D
Finally, as before, I will reward all people who read thru this posting (or actually, anyone who clicks on the lj-cut and goes and looks) with a fun TMNT piccy! XD
Overview and thoughts on the Con and impressions of people in General ~ To be posted
Thursday, October 7th, 2010 Posted 12/21/2010
Friday, October 8th, 2010 Posted 12/21/2010
Saturday, October 9th, 2010 Posted 12/22/2010
Sunday, October 10th, 2010 ~ To be posted
Picture post ~ To be posted
Saturday was the day we wore our sexy girl!turtle outfits! :D It was a blast.
Jennifer, Kellyanne, Jem, Robina, & I went down to eat breakfast in the hotel lobby (Claire & Jordan had already been down there and eaten, so they stayed in the hotel room to work on Raph's makeup) The elevator was full, so we decided to take the stairs. I was hyper and excitable, so I rushed on ahead, leaving our Don & Leo (Jennifer & KellyAnne) to bring up the rear. When we got down to breakfast I made a beeline to the food.
Robina (or was it KellyAnne?) came and told me that Jenn had experienced a small meltdown at the sight of all the people in the breakfast area. (I'm not going to go into why, I'll let Jenn explain that in her own words when/if she does her NYCC writeup) She had begged Robina for a room key, then retreated back up the stairs to hide in the room.
The breakfast area was overly crowded, so KellyAnne and I gathered up some food for ourselves and for Jenn (Thank you again SO MUCH for helping me AND for being concerned about Jenn, Kell. Jennifer said that you seemed to have a "gentle soul", and this proved it for me. I really appreciate it!) Then we headed up to the room too. Jennifer seemed surprised, but happy that we had brought her food.
We ate breakfast in the room and listened to girl!raph complain about getting her makeup done. *snickers* We put on our boots and I tried to do some orange eyeliner, doing it VERY badly and unevenly (I can't help it! I'm bad at makeup!) Claire gave me a look like I was from another planet, and then herded me into the bathroom and kindly fixed my fucked up makeup ;)
Then we headed off to con as an AWESOME group of sexy girl ninja turtles! XD When we left the hotel, some dude across the street started cat-calling us. I think he was singing "ninja rap" at us, but his accent was so thick I couldn't really tell. Apparently this annoyed/unnerved everybody else, but I just thought it was funny. (I'm a total Mikey-type. I *LOVE* attention.)
When we got to con, we took some pictures, then headed up to the con floor. We headed over to Michael Dooney's booth and harassed him. Jennifer showed him her tattoo, and he seemed sufficiently impressed. (He even signed it, and then took a picture!) Jenn then commissioned a Donatello picture from him and paid for it.
My feet were KILLING me by that time, so I was whining about trying to find some place to sit down for a little bit. We separated at that time, Jenn & I left the others on a quest to find SOMEPLACE to sit down. When we FINALLY found a place to sit, I realized I was a dingleberry and had FORGOTTEN MY PHONE AT THE HOTEL! Argh! :[ Jenn didn't have
Kaz26's number in her contacts, and I don't remember why we couldn't get ahold of the other people. :p
Jenn & I sat there for a while, just people watching. Some people took our picture. (including someone who said they were from the New York Times, but I've yet to see these anywhere) I was torn. I knew that if Jenn walked back to the hotel, she wouldn't want to leave again (at least not in her Sexy!Don getup) So I was basically stuck there with no way of finding people. (and I TOTALLY didn't want to walk the con floor looking for peoples with those ouchy high heel boots on)
Thinking back on it, I really should have discussed my thoughts with Jennifer. However, at the time she seemed very overwhelmed and I didn't want to add my problems to her already stressed mindset. I guess even with how good Jenn & I are at communicating, we still have times where communication lines get crossed.
They say hindsight is 20/20, and that's totally true in this case. If I was to do saturday over I would have not forgot my phone, or if I did, I should have borrowed Jenn's phone and called Jordan, KellyAnne, or Robina (although I don't remember if Jenn had their #s in her phone) and made them come over and stay with Jennifer while I walked back to the hotel to get my phone. Also, I would have walked over to the drug store on friday afternoon and bought some insoles for my boots. Oh well. Although I was kinda sad about not spending more time in my sexy Mikey costume, the time that I *DID* spend with all of us as a group was FANTASTIC. :) Thanks so much for making it a blast.
Anyway, after Jenn & I sat at the convention for a little while longer, we decided to head back to the hotel. While we were crossing the street, a cop wailed his siren lightly at us. Both Jenn & I jumped and thought we were in trouble, but when I looked at the cops, they were grinning and giving us the thumbs up. (I *THINK* one of them might have even yelled "Turtle Power!" at us, but I may be misremembering ;)
When we got back to the hotel room, Jenn & I ate some lunch. I had rice and Jenn nommed down some delicious vegan cupcakes. CLAIRE! I WANTZ THAT RECIPE FOR THOSE VEGAN CUPCAKES!! *poke poke prod prod*
Then, just as I had stripped out of all my clothes and enjoyed about 30 seconds of nakey-time, everyone came back! ACK! I hid under the blankets for a while, chillin' and watching TV. Then, I figured 'fuck it', and just got up all naked and went and put some clothes on even though everyone was there :)
Jenn & I spent a lot of the afternoon napping (again! I know! Jenn was tired cuz of her shingles, and I wanted to keep my honeybunny company) The others went back to the con for various reasons.
Later, we decided to go out for dinner. Robina, Jem, Jordan, & Claire dressed up all perty-like in dresses and skirts and stuff, but Jenn & I only wore TMNT T-shirts and KellyAnne wore a WonderPets shirt with an awesome CAPE on it! (I think she said her sister made it for her)
We went to a bar/pub that Claire and Jordan had looked up, but it was insanely busy!! Thankfully, KellyAnne & Jennifer had spotted an indian restaurant on our walk to the pub. The bad thing is that it was on the opposite side of the street. That caused a small problem.
Jordan, being the rebellious leader-type Raph that she is, jaywalked through the traffic jam of cars in the street. I didn't want to follow her, and was grumpy, but everyone had already followed her. I crossed bitchily. Now I should prolly clear something up here. I am not usually against SAFE jaywalking, and now that I look back at it, it WAS safe (the cars were so gridlocked there wasn't much of a chance they were going to move and hit us). However, Jenn & I had been kvetching about all the dangerous jaywalking that had been happening in NYC during this trip. So, jaywalking after talking about it the last few days made me feel like a GIANT hypocrite.
When I got over to the other side of the street, I bitched at Jordan and lectured her a little, which I'm sure made her think I was an asshole. :\ I'm sorry about my outburst, Jordan. I didn't really mean it, I was just grumpy I guess. (Low blood sugar, maybe?)
Anyway, the Indian food was DELICIOUS! It was pretty cool that we found the place, because Jenn had been REALLY wanting indian food while we were in a bigger city. (The indian restaurant here locally shut down sadly, and she's been going thru withdrawls)
When we got done with supper, we started walking back to the hotel. Well, Robina had heels on, and Jenn and I didn't feel like walking, so we attempted to flag down a cab. We couldn't get a yellow cab, but a black car/taxi stopped for us, so I got in and basically made Robina and Jenn get in.
I sat in the front seat and told the guy how to get to the hotel. Robina and Jenn sat huddled together in the back seat sending me mental vibes along the lines of "How could you make us get into this unmarked cab?" "We're all gonna DIE!" & "He's gonna chop us up into little turtlegirl bits" and such. Heh. *sweatdrop* Well, thankfully we got the hotel without being axe murdered, and then we all went upstairs and got ready for sleepytime.
This is an awesome LEGO raph! I think it's from Comic Con 2008