my sadface is epic.

Sep 13, 2009 12:29

So I had a great big post all planned out, about my school shenanigans this year (junior book clubs! sith prodigy-hunting! geek empowerment!), but of course before I did anything about it, my immune system went completely pear-shaped. Currently I'm enjoying the lovely effects of a flu, apparently of the swine-ish persuasion. We're not really worried (the general reaction seems to be "do you have any medical complications? no? then take an Advil and sit back down"). Still, it's not very conducive to getting shit done.

On the other hand, in a month's time when everyone is coughing and sneezing and snuffling miserably, I shall walk about with my pre-fortified immune system and go, HA!

I realize I owe about 90% of my flist responses of some kind, whether in email or comments or (oh god please forgive me miraba) actual fic. Chances are, if you're reading this, I'm thinking guiltily about your sadface. D: And yet, mea maxima culpa, it's going to have to keep awhile.

Just know I'm thinking about you all and loving you lots. ♥

(An extra-special blessing to lady_nimua for meeting me over delicious sushi last Thursday and spending a scandalously girly night store-hopping in an attempt to find us a pair of matching shoes/hats; and to jamie_dakin for taking me out yesterday, despite the sniffles, and posing as my lesbian girlfriend while the entire restaurant ogled [also, braving my drunken attempts to get into her pants, and discussing JFlan's inexplicable hair, often simultaneously]. You girls ROCK. And lo, another Israeli fandom meetup is imminent! \o/)


Alas, not for pleasure but rather strictly educational purposes: I'm embarking with my fellow classmates on a Holocaust Tour. As you may know, Israel has a long history with the Holocaust. I've even blogged about it before. And at the end of this month my school is sending off a delegation of 104 students, yours truly included, to a week touring Poland, visiting death camps, memorials, graveyards, and paying our respects to the dead in person.

I plan on keeping a travel journal to document this trip, but don't expect me to be online-not during the tour and probably not some days after. Conversely, while I probably won't make a very cheerful conversation partner, if any one of you Europeans happen to be in the country and feel like hopping over to Warsaw for an evening, I wouldn't dream of saying no to your excellent presence. Friends are welcome always!

And now, tea and bed.

lady_nimua, jamie_dakin, into the matrix, holocaust, school of cock, sick like a sick thing, mea maxima inbox, 'sup internets

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