Jun 16, 2009 11:56
Okay, the whole new update/perspective of today is the following:
One - I have graduated (YESH! Like FINALLY! )
Two - I have too much freetime now... *sigh* Summer hols, or as you would say... "Summer Vacation! W00t!" Hm, not for me, apparently... *has a killer headache*
Three - I have a Pet in PetCentral to feed and nurish, but how do you do that when you get like a small percentage of points/coins?! *is terribly feeling insane... slowly insane, that is*
Four - I'm sketching just because I feel like it and I'm going to be adding stuff this whole week.
Five - There's a downside to uploading stuff: I turned in my wacom tablet *holds on a moment to cry, but returns for the next fit*
Six - Father's Day and my bro's b-day (the 29th this month) are both coming up (and whoa - do I dislike giving stuff to those two *hint, hint - my Dad and my brother... shnap... what shall I buy... what shall I make to give as a present? - I have no $$ *).
Seven - I am going to have killer headaches for the rest of this summer...
Eight - Harry Potter's coming up, so is The Proposal, then there's the Night at the Museum (don't ask why I want to see it - Lincoln, the Egyptian guy, Octavius, and the Cowboy are going to star in it! -- Oh, and the same goes for that dude, the Security Guard that always gets slapped by the monkey, who has a new friend now! Yesh, another monkey... *giggles* Wait, isn't the monkey a chimpanzee? *can't spell right now... it's 11:11... Make a wish... -promptly goes away-*), The Uglie Truth (starring Gerard Butler - Gerry!), 21 again (I really want to see this one!!!), um... and a whole bunch of other movies that I have absolutely no $$ to see!!!! *has to go to work....! and is dreading it*
So shea... onto Nine:
My Birthday is also coming up!!!! *Yayz in my empty page that only has about three watchers...* So yes, I will be enjoying that to an extent. I will also be posting more artwork! *grins*
And Ten:
I can't freaking wait until the Princess and the Frog comes out! *will study the new styles and how they put in the Jazz age*
I'm hoping to finish my IB RW (research workbook) Sketchbook once I get it back. It'll be of my new drawing, painting, and observational adventures! (And WHOOO! I'm going to let my teacher see it when I get back with my sister - just to VISIT! That's the good thing about graduating, you know... ^_^)
And yes, zat iz ze update!
Yo' ~Mel