a list. Er... many lists. Tangled lists. Start of lists. About the house.

Oct 18, 2010 23:14

.Jump to: New Room | Upstairs Hall | Upstairs Bath | Mo's Room | Our Room | Stairs | Studio | Outdoors ...gah, jumplinks no workie...
List for the New Room
  1. Cut, rout, and install back-band around trim (finished in April or early May)
  2. Caulk around trim
    1. storage room (10/23)
    2. inner hall (in progress, waiting on back band, December)(finished)
    3. main room (in progress, waiting on back band, January)
  3. Install island loft floor with trapdoor (edging install late April or early May)(flooring installed. Not sure when in 2011. Needs urethane and trapdoor. Oh, and ladders!)
  4. Paint
    1. ceilings in storage and inner hall (11/1 storage ceiling)
    2. prime (grey) upper ceiling in room, also island loft
  5. Paint part 2
    1. Paint storage room (11/3 in progress: did the cut-in of corners; 11/4: rolled 1 coat; 2nd cut in; 11/6: 2nd coat rolled...)
    2. paint inner hall
    3. doors
      1. prime
      2. paint
      3. knobs
    4. paint room 4 colors
      1. Primed a lot of it...
      2. first coat of gold straw (island loft) and teal sea (lower walls) done in early fall 2011.
    5. trim
      1. storage trim
      2. inner hall trim
      3. room trim
    6. paint chalkboard fish
    7. add glitter, maybe
    8. add glow-in-the-dark stars
  6. Install switches (In Progress: 11/6: R installed light, switch in storage; I think some switches were finished by February. Had to redo part of the wall because missed finishing some wiring -- OOOPS.)
  7. Install lights (In Progress! 11/6: R installed light in storage by swapping new light into M's old room and putting that smaller one in the storage room/closet).
  8. Replace window hardware
  9. Install shelves in storage room (11/6: R starts cutting baords; A tests bottom shelve at baseboard height. She is so going to to climb these eventually...11/7: R cuts more boards! Done! by end of November)
  10. Bring all the STUFF back up from the living room to storage (Done! by end of December)
  11. Make nice shelves for inner hall
  12. Make nice cupboard for inner hall
  13. Paint dresser
  14. Put furniture in room
  15. Convince kids to sleep in room
  16. Put games in nice cupboard
  17. Put old books on nice shelves
Upstairs hall
  1. Install baseboards and facing of bottom step
  2. Trim out closet
  3. Install sconce through closet into our room
  4. finish inside of that closet
  5. paint upstairs hall
  6. Prime hall trim and doors
  7. Paint hall trim and doors
  8. Install knobs
  1. Put last tread cover on bottom step
  2. Trim out exposed sheetrock
  3. Build bannisters/railings
  4. Shave off pegs on treads
  5. Sand treads & risers
  6. Urethane treads and risers
  7. Pain stairwell walls
  8. Paint stairwell trim
  9. Decorate risers?
Upstairs Bathroom
  1. Purchase and Install vanity 
  2. Install sink
  3. Make cupboard to fit ex-window
  4. Install extension jambs
  5. Install trim
  6. Paint trim and windows
  7. Install towel bars
  8. Install a mirror or two
  9. Install final light
  10. Do shower
    1. Concrete sloping base
    2. concrete board walls
    3. Waterproofing
    4. tile
      1. ceiling
      2. walls
      3. floor
    5. seal tiles
    6. hook into steam unit
    7. install fixtures and handles
  11. Prime door
  12. Paint door
  13. Install knobs
Mo's room (or ex-room)
  1. Clean it (yes, with his help) (in progress 10/21 and ongoing)
  2. Replace insulation
  3. Replace sheetroock
  4. tape and spackle patch
  5. prime and paint patch
  6. Finish painting/sealing window trim
  7. Build and install ladder to loft
  8. Install loft doors
  9. Ceiling fan
  1. Prime corners of new trim, old blue & yellow paint, cedar corners and freeze boards
  2. paint trim that got primed
  3. re-stain kitchen (this year?)
    1. Next year: restain rest of house
    2. Next year: paint second coat of raisin torte on trim
  4. Stack wood (in Progress 11/13; all blessings to lepi
  5. Fix driveway / lay in gravel (Done thanks to Gionti Stoneworks on 10/22)
  6. Fix roof over bay window?
  7. Build steps/minideck off living room to replace current ones
  8. Build steps off kitchen
  9. Decide which trees to come down (in progress 10/19 ... still in progress although mostly chosen 5/2011)
    1. Figure which are good firewood and which could be sold for lumber
    2. Take them down
  10. Sell the Sentra
  11. Burn the CRAP by the burn pile and the edge of the wood
  12. Re-stain the tool shed
  13. Put addition on tool shed
  14. Side (sorta) the woodshed (in progress 10/23 and more progress 11/14)
  15. Turn the compost pile (11/1, 4 in progress)
  16. Build compost bins
  17. Build tree house
  18. Build/channel culvert creek (with mini pond?)
  19. Build mini bridge over culvert creek mud spot
  20. Move owl house?
  21. Keep bees
  22. Rick wants a car port
  23. New garden beds
  24. Mini greenhouse (using old double-pane windows sitting in the woods)
  25. Do something wicked cool with the huge rocks
  26. Maintain the two little trails
  27. Release the wood apples

Our Bedroom
  1. Change closet lights
  2. Extra sconce
  3. Ceiling Fan
  4. Ceiling Light
  5. Insulated shades

  1. Slate:
    1. Lay rest of slate
    2. Grout
    3. Seal
  2. Wash-up Counter
    1. Cabinet
    2. Countertop
    3. install sink and faucet
  3. Floor:
    1. Sand
    2. Urethane
  4. Cabinet railings around stairwell
  5. Extension Jambs?
  6. Window trim
  7. Baseboards
  8. Cupboards and shelves around deck door, loft door
  9. ceiling light
  10. ceiling fan
  11. track lights
  12. Network, phone, and stereo jacks
  13. Paint walls some fine color(s)
  14. Repaint ceiling
  15. Desk(s)
  16. Move office and studio up to room (er...maybe this is going to become hobby room? Or parents in summer? or Lepi? Hm.. -- 5/18/11 thoughts)

This post is likely to be gets edited every few days now and then. And added to, as I think about other rooms. And, gods help me, get things x'd out.

Aside: I have more lists. They are about art, and work, and some routine home/housekeeping things (recycling, finance management). But they are in RememberTheMilk, so I don't think I need retyping them. I do need to change my approach to finishing things, desperately. Yet my priorities are ... OK, I'm digressing and that really needs a different post anyway.

Added to: Oct 19th. Oct 20th, Oct 23, Nov 3 (stairs), Nov 14 (Our Room and Studio lists).
Progress noted: Oct 23, Nov 1, Nov 3, Nov 4 (paint, compost), Nov 6 (paint, shelves), Nov 14 (more about shelves), May 18 (back band)

far too much gear, plan it!, home & hearth

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