Christmas Moon Fic Advent Index

Dec 26, 2006 14:21

Like a Poem, by andacus
Summary: Tonks considers Remus during a private moment. Set at Christmas - OotP. [R, 183 words]

Stars in My Fists, Moon Round My Wrists, by bratanimus
Summary: Christmas during HBP. After the Burrow, against his better judgment, Remus goes to Tonks' flat. [PG, 592 words]
Winner: Special Recognition, Best Angst, Best Drabble, Best Title, Achievement in a New Style

A Merry Auld Christmas, by bratty_jedi
Summary: Sirius made his way through the halls and down the stairs, humming merrily to himself and mentally reviewing his holiday preparations checklist. This was shaping up to be an excellent holiday for Harry. [PG, 3500 words]
Runner-up: Best Humour; Best Title

Beware of Statues Bearing Gifts, by bringandfly
Summary: Remus Lupin lands himself in an unusual spot as a consequence of choosing a gift for Tonks. [PG-13, 3467 words]
Winner: Best Humour; Runner-up: Best Outfit

Home For Christmas, by cae_prince
Summary:Tonks’ Christmas Eve is ruined. Can Remus change that? [PG-13, 5,000 words]
Runner-up: Best Use of General Prompt

To the Victor Belong the Spoils, by celtmama
Summary: All love stories have a beginning, though some are stranger than others. This one begins with an umbrella... [PG-13, 13,480 words]

A Kiss For Christmas, by da_angel729
Summary: Remus and Tonks go ice-skating and have a conversation neither was expecting. December, OotP. [PG, 1427 words]

By Dim Firelight, by devonwood
Summary: "My mother did tell me that I had a flair for overdoing things around the holidays." [PG, 2240 words]
Winner: Best Outfit; Runner-up: Best First Line, Best Wizardized Carol

The Muggle Manner, by freakinwinky
Summary: The man seemed intent on being incredibly difficult to shop for. [PG, 1980 words]
Part Two: The Sickness
Part Three: The Cure
Winner: Best Christmas Gift

We Three Kings by gilpin25
Summary: In the days leading up to Christmas at Grimmauld Place, 1995, three people see the relationship between Remus and Tonks through very different eyes. [PG-13, 11,744 words]
Winner: Outstanding Contribution, Members' Choice, Best Romance, Achievement in a New Style, Best Line

Reason To Celebrate, by gloryforever
Summary: Tonks comes home to find the unexpected. December, HBP. [PG, 540 words]
Runner-up: Best Drabble/Ficlet, Best Last Line

Good Things Come... by godricgal
Summary: Tonks has been looking forward to the Order Christmas party for weeks, hoping that it will be her chance to sort out her relationship with Remus once and for all. An unexpected and futile assignment gets in the way of that, but sometimes, bad things happen for a reason. [PG, 10,076 words]

The Great Christmas Pudding Caper, by isis_uf
Summary: Sirius proves he has more on his mind than just women (there’s also food). Remus proves he is still a Marauder (perhaps even more so than when he was younger). Tonks proves she is a very skilled auror (but with very poor defenses against a suspect’s diversionary tactics). And Molly’s Christmas pudding proves itself thoroughly delicious. [PG-13, 5000 words]

We Close Our Eyes and Open Our Hearts (In the Name of the Season), by jadeddiva
Summary: Tonks and Remus bond while decorating for Christmas. Set during OotP, before Arthur is attacked in the Ministry. [PG-13, 1483]
Winner: Best Use of Christmas Prompt; Runner-up: Best Christmas Gift

Chimneys At Christmastime, by jenulus
Summary: Tonks, Remus, a chimney, a fire, and a cameo by the twins. [PG, 1,800 words]
Winner: Best Newcomer

Mistletoe, by jesspallas
Summary: "The look on her face, the wide hurt eyes he had glimpsed as he fled up the stairs: It was not what he'd expected. A shrug, a laugh, profound relief -- that was what her face should have told him. That was what her features should have shown. Not shock. Not hurt. Not disappointment." [PG-13, 2,006 words]

My True Love Gave To Me, by jesspallas
Summary: “There was a note to Remus’ voice that made Tonks suspect that opening her eyes would not bring glad tidings of great joy. But nonetheless she risked it. Remus lay flat against the floor, pinned beneath her body and eyeball to eyeball with a stuffed vulture wrapped in lacy pyjamas. The expression on his face defied description.” [PG, 2632 words]
Winner: Best Romantic Comedy, Best Characterisation - Remus; Runner-up: Best Line, Most Creative Use of Mistletoe

Christmas With Beaky: Part One - A Furry Little Problem, by jncar
Summary: A Christmas outing with Buckbeak is almost ruined when Remus chooses not to share his dark (and furry) secret with Tonks. [PG, 4,553 words]
Runner-up: Best Plot

Christmas With Beaky: Part Two - The Gift, by jncar
Summary: One year after her first Christmas with Buckbeak, Tonks visits the hippogriff in search of Christmas cheer. In the meantime, Remus is troubled by the news of Tonks's new Patronus, and decides to pay her an unexpected visit. [PG, 5068 words]
Runner-up: Best Supporting Character

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, by joely_jo
Summary: A little Christmas lightness is stirred in a relationship in wartime. [PG-13, 1877 words]
Runner-up: Best Characterisation - Tonks

The Writing on the Window, by kerrymdb
Summary: He doesn’t want this moment to end. Because when it does, there will be questions and demands for answers from both sides that neither are ready to answer nor ask. [R, 3955 words]
Runner-up: Best Drama, Best Characterisation - Remus

Deck the Halls, by killerforhire_
Summary: Decorating the house in time for Christmas has proven to be a task out of Remus' and Sirius' abilities. Tonks shows up to save the day. [PG, 2299 words]

Magic Marvin's Hangover Home Remedy, by kileaiya
Summary: Tonks wakes up with a hangover and sets out to find the cure. [PG, 1,387 words]

Christmas Seeds, by lady_blythe
Summary: A walk before a Christmas party. [PG, 1,444 words]
Winner: Best Newcomer, Best First Line; Runner-up, Best Use of Christmas Prompt

No Time Like the Present, by ladybracknell
Summary: As Christmas approaches, Remus wonders what to buy Tonks. He wants to get her something special to let her know how he feels about her, but the only problem is, he really can’t think of anything…. [PG-13, 7927 words]

What Went Right, by ladylegend
Summary: After the Order's Christmas party doesn't go quite as planned, Remus helps Tonks discern just what, exactly, went right. [PG, 797 words]

Hours of Folly, by modestyrabnott
Summary: "The hours of folly are measured by the clock, but of wisdom no clock can measure." - William Blake [R, 497 words]
Winner: Best Use of General Prompt; Runner-up: Best Angst

Rock On, by molly_coddles
Summary: Christmas Eve, candy canes; Remus and wrapping paper. What more could anyone wish for? [PG-13, 3,000 words]
Winner: Most Creative Use of Mistletoe; Runner-up: Best Romantic Comedy

The Hopes and Fears Of All the Years - 1995: So Stars Impart To Human Hearts, by mrstater
Summary: An ordinary night of Christmas shopping turns into a night of discoveries when Tonks finds a book she simply must read. [PG, 10,098 words]
Winner: Members' Choice

The Hopes and Fears Of All the Years - 1996: In Despair I Bowed My Head, by mrstater
Summary:What did you get for the wizard who'd given up everything? [PG, 7906 words]

The Hopes and Fears Of All the Years - 1997: This Is the Night, by mrstater
Summary: On a Christmas Eve trip to Flourish and Blotts, Tonks discovers Remus is up to a good deal more than last minute shopping. [PG, 10,691 words]

Christmas Wishes, by patriot_Jackie
Summary: A silent walk down a street in Muggle London on Christmas Eve. [G, 2000 words]
Winner: Achievement in a New Style

Sweets For the Sweet, by phe_o
Summary: Remus sets the tone for a romantic Christmas evening with Tonks, not knowing that she intends to add to his ambiance. Takes place on Christmas night during OOtP. [PG-13, 2388 words]
Winner: Best Wizardized Carol

Friends and Family by pleutaitgouttes
Summary:The annual Christmas Eve at the Burrow is always full of surprises and Tonks expects to be adding to the chaos in a very wonderful way. [PG, 1,255 words]

Christmas Falls, by redonthefly
Summary: When an unexpected injury temporarily puts Tonks out of commission right before Christmas, Remus helps her see the brighter side. [PG, 2034 words]

Next Christmas, by scarlett71177
Summary: Tonks waits for Remus’ Christmas Card to arrive. [G, 1265 words]

To Your Health!, by scarlett71177
Summary: Tonks can only cook one thing but she and Remus enjoy the tradition. [G, 851 words]

Merry Christmas, Darling, by shoebox_addict
Summary:While Remus is away on business, Tonks grapples with their two small children and dreams of Christmas when he returns. [PG, 1,878 words]
Winner: Best Child

In On the Game, by sugarannie
Summary:There are different ways to spend an evening in wintertime... [PG-13 442 words]

Out In the Street, by sugarannie
Summary: Maybe it had not been the best idea, after all, to go and do the Christmas shopping only one week before it was Christmas...[PG-13, 330 words]

Light of Hope, by tajareyul
Summary: Tonks and Remus discuss baby names. [G, 1265 words]
Winner: Best Supporting Character - Nearly Headless Nick

No Ordinary Magic, by vnfan "I'm looking for my Christmas present. I'm sure you must have hidden it somewhere around here." [PG-13, 852 words]
Runner-up: Best Romance

Hear the Angel Voices, by wildmagelet
Summary: It's Christmas, it's war, Remus is short on money, Tonks is short on tact, and the good guys are losing ground in the battle. But sometimes you can find Christmas spirit in the most unlikely of places. [PG-13, 8001 words]
Winner: Special Recognition, Members' Choice, Best Drama, Best Characterisation - Tonks, Best Plot, Best Last Line

index, christmas moon fic advent

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