(no subject)

Apr 06, 2005 13:48

Well, I don't have much to say, so I might as well do those fun fun memes that have been going around. YAY MEMES!

A. Pick 10 musicians.
B. Post them and see who can guess which song of each musician's is your favorite
C. Once someone guesses right, bold that row and include your favorite song.

1. 3 Doors Down - Down Poison - by frozen_pain
2. Alanis Morissette - Uninvited - by yenooy
3. Avril Lavigne - Forgotten - by frozen_pain I also like Take Me Away a lot. I would have give credit to both.
4. Bree Sharp - Smitten - by bitter_crimson I also like Everything Feels Wrong. Credit to both.
5. Evanescence - Whisper - by frozen_pain Yay Latin chanting!
6. Finger Eleven - Good Times - by bitter_crimson Okay, I like four songs equally, and this was one of them. The others are Bones and Joints, Conversations, and Quicksand.
7. Linkin Park - My December - by frozen_pain
8. Madonna - Frozen - by bitter_crimson Also, Material Girl.
9. Sarah McLachlan - Fear - by abunchofcrap I have many versions of this song.
10. Weezer - El Scorcho - by bitter_crimson

1. Post a list of fandoms.
2. Have your friends list guess your favorite character/pairing from each fandom.
3. When guessed, bold the line and write a sentence about why you like that character/pairing.

1. Alias
CHARACTER: Marshall - by yenooy - Awww, he's so cute and dorky! He sings a song about the periodic table of elements to his little boy. HOW CUTE IS THAT? He is so socially awkward, and he makes Sydney smile like no one really can. Which you know, kinda makes them a cute couple, but Syndey must be with Vaughn.
PAIRING: Sydney/Vaughn - by yenooy - Okay, no matter how whiny and annoying their relationship can get, they're Sydney and Vaughn. Vaughn and Sydney. They really can be whiny and annoying though. Hmm.

2. Angel
CHARACTER: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce - technically by dragonnite55555, but bitter_crimson was four minutes after, so I'll call tie - HE'S SO AWESOME. Best character development ever. Seriously. Stupidclumsyidiotwatcher!Wes --> omgruggedangstyhot!Wes. He's so perfectly angsty and hot and vindicated and has just the best sexual tension with everyone ever. Lilah, Angel, Gunn, and most especially Fred/Illyria.
PAIRING: Wesley/Fred - by bitter_crimson - MMMM DELICIOUS ANGST AND SEXUAL TENSION AND THEN MORE ANGST!!! I was unsure who I wanted Fred to end up with at first, because I knew I'd love her forever (the smart thing again) but as the show progressed I became more and more and more obsessed with Wes and then they just HAD to get together. And then, of course, they break my heart by having IT ALL GO TO HELL. But still. Yes. I hold out for a happy ending in some way.

3. Animorphs
CHARACTER: Ax - by samadia - He was cool. And he was all alien-like. And blue. And he was all alone. And he was funny.. he liked food a lot and stuff. I liked him. Yes.
PAIRING: Tobias/Rachel - by bitter_crimson - Okay, bird.. girl.. can't really work. But they liked each other SO. MUCH. And he could have become a boy again at the very end! Morph and stay there.. they could have been together! And how sad was it at the end when .. well, if you liked the series you probably already know.. if you didn't, you don't care. SO. How sad was it when Rachel died, and Tobias yelled at Jake in grief and just went off? OHH so sad. *sigh*

4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
CHARACTER: Willow - by absenceofcolour - What can I say? I love her. She's awesome and funny and smart and has the best lines and the character development that's subtle yet extreme. Major computer nerd --> All-powerful witch that can destroy the world or make a whole bunch of slayers.. either way, she's amazing.
PAIRING: Willow/Buffy - by bitter_crimson - They're best friends but they've got so much CHEMISTRY. It drives me nuts. The TENSION. Okay, it's probably just me. But you know Willow carries some sort of torch for Buffy.. the adoration in the first few seasons, the dependancy in later ones... bringing her back from the dead.. I could go on. And Buffy, I'm sure, has at least thought about it. What with her best friend all into girls and her being like.. I wonder. So many shippy moments! And I'm convinced Evil!Willow's grudge against Buffy at the end of season 6 was UST. SOOOO UST.

5. Charmed
CHARACTER: Piper - by dragonnite55555 - Piper is just the best. I love how she has to handle pretty much everything. She has to be the middle in every argument between Pheobe and whichever sister. She's the only one who can successfully (well, kind of) juggle a job, a boyfriend/husband, TWO kids, and magic. Plus she has those awesome tattoos on her wrists. And the awesome scar on her eyebrow. .. what?
PAIRING: Piper/Leo - by dragonnite55555 - Aww, they're so cute together. How can you not like them?

6. Everworld
CHARACTER: Jalil - by bitter_crimson - He was really cool. He's smart and detached and has OCD. He was the only one with the guts to hurt Senna. He approaches everything with a calculated mind - like there has to be a set of rules for Everworld. I loved how he's described as a guy who doesn't ever turn his head, just his eyes. That's so cool. It stuck with me.
PAIRING: Jalil/April - by bitter_crimson - They're both opposites. She's all into the spiritual and he's all into the physical. But then they go to Everworld and are forced to respect each other, and appreciate the other's point of view. They trust each other to not fall under Senna's spell. They're the only two who are practical about the whole thing. Blah blah, they're good together.

7. Gilmore Girls
CHARACTER: Paris - by yenooy - She's just hilarious. And smart :P Though Lane is a close second too, she's fun when she freaks out about her mom and goes on about music.
PAIRING: Lorelai/Luke - yenooy - Yes, I seriously screamed like I was giving birth when they kissed. It's been like 3, or maybe 4, YEARS of UST and I finally got it. Though Luke could really do with some cleaning up. Like getting rid of the scruff. Please, Luke.

8. Harry Potter
CHARACTER: Hermione - by dragonnite55555 - I have a strong liking of smart characters. Hermione can be an annoying know-it-all, but she can also be an awesome friend and smart enough to get out of a lot of the situations Ron and Harry get her into. There's a reason she's not in Ravenclaw, she's not all smarts.
PAIRING: Hermione/Draco - by bitter_crimson - I think this was mainly the result of fanfiction, because I never even thought of them together before. But after I got a taste, I couldn't get enough. They're so perfect! Mudblood and pureblood, and all the tension that comes from. Also, yes, I'm one of those Draco redeemers. I know, I know. I just can't help myself. And with him trying to redeem himself and all... well. Yes.

9. Tru Calling
CHARACTER: Tru - by absenceofcolour - She's the main character. The show is good, but there isn't that much character development, especially since Fox cancelled it (boohiss). She's the only one that you get to see more than one side to, I think. She's smart and adaptive and all that good stuff.
PAIRING: Tru/Davis - by littlejill - Eh, there wasn't any other pairing that struck me. They're cute together. :)

10. Veronica Mars
CHARACTER: Veronica - by absenceofcolour - Once again, main character. I haven't seen all the episodes of this show and that needs to change. I would jump for joy if I could see the episodes I missed, but I'll catch up this summer. Anyway, main character, really funny (gotta love the type of wit.. Sameera - "Don't you want to be B-F-F?"). Plus there's a whole bunch of stuff going on for her. Best friend died, lost her other friends, mother left, trying to find answers to everything. But she carries it all so well. I really think this show could go far, if only UPN keeps it going. PLEASE UPN.
PAIRING: Veronica/Logan - by chaz2323 - There hasn't been much in the way of Veronica love except for Troy and he sucks. And Duncan may or may not be her half-brother. Wallace is an opportunity, they work together well and bounce funny comments off each other, but they're not the same as Veronica/Logan. There has been a few scenes where it's just so perfect. Like when Logan breaks down in her arms or when they are snarky back and forth with each other. They both have the whole pain of loss going on and understand each other. Like last night's episode. Yesss. Good episode.

I have this annoying mole thing on my arm. I just found it while scratching around it. My computer was having issues with overheating earlier. Yooney and I took a hairdryer (on cool) to it and blew out a bunch of dust. It hasn't shut down by itself yet! *crosses fingers and knocks on wood*

I am going to make myself new icons soon. I need a Veronica Mars one and a Lost one (maybe). And maybe something with Latin since Kim suggested it. ^_^

tv: buffyverse, fandom: general, tv: veronica mars, posts: meme whoring, music: general love

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