(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 19:55

Well. Jeanette and Holly left this afternoon. I really thought they wouldn't make it to the train in time, but we did it. This weekend was fun :) We went shopping and stuff (which, yes, I admit, was more fun than I would have thought.. mainly because Holly has good taste in stores). We also had a fun adventure getting lost on the way back to Evanston. MAN I RULE suck. However! Because of Holly, I found a store that sells manga for CHEAP, yo! It was like 7.95 for the manga, regularly priced, but if you buy three, it's 60% off!!! THAT'S SUCH A GOOD PRICE! I'm so going back there.

Last night, Holly and I were super slap happy. And we talked for a really long time about random stuff when Jeanette just wanted to sleep. Then, we were on either side of her, and laughing like crazy. We could not stop laughing. For a really long time. My voice was getting hoarse and I was coughing. Yooney started throwing tampons (unused) to make us stop, but it just made it worse. Then she gave me water, so I could calm down enough to drink it. And I was fine after that.. except then Yooney started laughing, and that just got me started again. FINALLY, I forced myself to stop, and Holly stopped, and we were okay. This was at like.. 5:30 in the morning.

Then, on the train ride back, I was doing my Latin homework and people were looking at me funny because I had my books all spread out on my lap and everything. ^_^;

But when I came back, I checked my comics, and I noticed something..

On April Fool's Day, both of these comics ran..

I think it's a joke between the two artists, don't you think? I think so.. has to be.


I found this on Wikipedia:

Ouija Board Comic. In April Fools 2005, FoxTrot, Pearls Before Swine, and Get Fuzzy pulled April Fools by having all three strips with the same Ouija Board gag. Basically, the Ouija board told the character to punch another next to him, all ending with afterlife being a peaceful place, and that he has pleased the god.

Here's the Pearls Before Swine comic too. Thanks to twocheetah for pointing it out.

I have ridden the train so much this weekend I keep thinking that I am moving sideways as I stare at my laptop and slowly coming to a stop. o_0

internet: the internet is fun!, friends: troy kids

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