(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 21:53

I like making icons. But I don't like when they don't turn out to be YAYSOPRETTY. But I'm still too stubborn to use other people's icons. Unless they make them especially for me :D (OMGREDBULLBLINGBLING)

I WANT EVERYONE TO WATCH VERONICA MARS. It's really good and fun. I hope that they continue the show. v_v

It's April 7th and I do not want to study anymore. I want to go home and do nothing.

Amanda is in my room. Say hi Amanda!

"Hi.. people. Who am I saying hi to?"
"All the people in LJ world, Amanda!"
"... yes."

Sameera has gone missing! Sadness.

Amanda told me a story and it reminded me that my Math teacher is rather attractive. Yes. He is.

Okay, I'm going now. Does Amanda want to say anything in parting?

"Ummmm. Give me something good to say. Damn. Yooney's friend has a grandmother with a Xanga."
"Do you just want to say like bye, or something?"
"Sure. How about, tschues?"

friends: sea yak, tv: veronica mars

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