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Oct 26, 2011 16:25

► WARDEN FILTER (which includes the T-X... reluctantly):

Do we have an emergency protocol for when shit gets too real in here?

Are there any exploitable situations we should be aware of, in the event anyone decides to take advantage of the state of the barge?

► Private to the Admiral. )

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[Private] batmanschmatman October 26 2011, 23:40:31 UTC
Not exactly. People tend to band together and wait it out, or try to confront the problem directly, otherwise it's usually every man for himself. People have tried to set up bases to keep people safe with some success during past emergency situations ( ... )


[Private] metallonkardia October 26 2011, 23:54:45 UTC
[ Well that... irritates his military sensibilities, but fine. ]

People do better with routine when they're freaking out.

Any particular inmates to keep an eye out for? [ a beat. ] Besides mine.


[Private] batmanschmatman October 26 2011, 23:56:33 UTC
[It irritates him too. :C]

Routine and structure are irritatingly lacking here.

Do you want people who might lose it, or people who are going to take advantage of the situation?


[Private] metallonkardia October 27 2011, 00:01:26 UTC
Good thing this isn't a rehab facility. [ DEADPAN. ]

Why discriminate.


[Private] lol paranoia :c batmanschmatman October 27 2011, 00:17:16 UTC
I know, go figure.

[He's sending over a typed list, with notes on each of the people, but also narrating it because he's chatty, it's part of his charm, etc.]Barron Sharpe has, in the past, taken advantage of situations, but to the best of my knowledge, Prefect has been good about keeping an eye on him since we encountered the alternate Barge. Crane might react badly to whatever's going on, but he's usually more talk than actual action ( ... )


[Private] IT'S HELPFUL metallonkardia October 27 2011, 00:25:58 UTC
[ Eeeexcellent. ]

I'm assuming for most of these people you mean a violent sort of dangerous, individual, one-on-one incursions? Beyond the people who'd like to fuck with the lab.

[ a beat. ] The hell's Arthas in for?


[Private] OH GOOD c: batmanschmatman October 27 2011, 00:47:50 UTC
More or less. Barron's powers alter people's memory, but I doubt he's particularly competent in a fight. I'm not sure how much of them he has back, but Prefect would be able to answer. Hoffman has violent tendencies, but isn't difficult to subdue either, in my experience. Wanda, Rachel and David all have abilities - I'm not sure of the extent of Wanda's, but Rachel and David can shapeshift into animals and people - that would make them more dangerous in a one on one encounter. Amanda uses surprise and elaborate traps to hurt people, but isn't much of a physical combatant ( ... )


[Private] metallonkardia October 27 2011, 01:10:48 UTC
David - kid, blond hair?

[ It's possible that Dick might detect, somehow, the incredulity of his pause here. ]

... Oh.


[Private] batmanschmatman October 27 2011, 01:14:51 UTC


[Private] metallonkardia October 27 2011, 01:15:51 UTC
[ He'll take that as a yes, and.. ]

... Thought he was in a metal band, or something.


[Private] batmanschmatman October 27 2011, 01:25:20 UTC
[He's a Bat, they notice these things. :c]

He's not a bad kid, per say. He's just extremely misguided, and incredibly violent if you back him into a corner.


[Private] metallonkardia October 27 2011, 01:26:55 UTC
I meant Arthas. [ Almost laughing. ]

David's fine, he reminds me of myself at that age a little. [ SOUND MORE LIKE A DAD, JOHN. ]


[Private] batmanschmatman October 27 2011, 01:29:08 UTC
[Dick does actually laugh at that because... dat image.]

You thought Arthas was in a metal band?


[Private] metallonkardia October 27 2011, 01:36:56 UTC
Well... look at him.

And he's been hanging out with my mother.


[Private] batmanschmatman October 27 2011, 01:38:55 UTC
People make weird friends here.


[Private] metallonkardia October 27 2011, 01:42:36 UTC
That actually makes it less weird.

[ Look he really did think Arthas was like from some kind of evil death metal band that summoned Satan by accident and got jailed for it, HIS WORLD DOESN'T HAVE MAGIC what do you want from him. ]


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