Monday, March 20, 2011

Mar 22, 2011 09:22

  • princessofgeeks: categories and definitions again oh my - Is it better to discard the category of "femslash" in favor of an umbrella term, or is it better to preserve the category of "femslash" so that its profile within and without fandom is raised? [...]
    Is it more accurate nowadays to say that gen means "no romance" or that it means "no porn"?

    (tags: gen slash femslash)
  • vito_excalibur: genderswap fic - And a number of us know women without vaginas. (And men without cocks, and so on.) So it occurred to me: why assume a genderswapped character would have all those things? What would a genderswap fic be like in which the former dude comes blinking out of the plot device physically the same in every way, but now a pre-op (or non-op, or whatever) trans woman? -

    (tags: trope genderswitch)
  • yourlibrarian: Fannish origins - So to sum up, creative fannishness tends to spring from long-form, high-visibility projects with at least one attractive male lead and no popular roadblocks to a developing relationship among the leads. Around LJ/DW it also profits from a dark underside, even if that potential is never quite exploited in the show. This is no doubt why, while I quite enjoy Castle and Community, I don't feel any particular need to get involved with their fandoms. And while I find myself more intrigued by the potential in WC, it has yet to turn out an episode that grabs me by the neck and makes me see that the writers themselves know what they have on their hands. -

    (tags: fandom)
  • faithwood: Babbling about fandom. - I think everyone, more than once, read a popular story and ended up loathing it, or they've read an unpopular story and found it brilliant, or a popular story they loved just like everyone else, or an unpopular story they hated just like everyone else. The first two scenarios anger or confuse us and the latter two make us feel validated. Neither scenario means we're right. -

    (tags: reviewing feedback comments)
  • hollow_echos: How do You Define Success in the Fandom? - The fact that fandom involvement often changes for individuals makes it kind of tricky to consider how far an individual has come in the fandom. If only there were benchmarks, road signs, to let an individual gauge how they are progressing in their growth in the fandom. -

    (tags: fandom bnfs reviewing)
  • princessofgeeks: two things make a post - Compared to ten years ago, are people more multi-fannish all at the same time than they used to be? Or is this my imagination? -

    (tags: fandom question)
  • penknife: Remix thoughts - For people who are currently panicking about their Remix assignments, some thoughts on what to do when you look at your remixee's stories and flail in distress: -

    (tags: writing remixing)
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