Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mar 06, 2011 15:33

  • morganoconner: When an author lacks an ounce of respect for her readers - If you've written a fic, and the potential is there for something to be construed as dub-con - even if you as the author don't agree - there needs to be a warning in clear view for your readers to see.

    (tags: warnings)

  • podcath: [in podficmeta] From Hating Music in Podfic to Loving it: A Convert's Journey - I've been meaning to make a post on music in podfic for a while, mostly because I'm a very recent convert. When I first started listening to podfic in SGA, none of them featured music, and that's what I'd gotten used to. Moving into SPN, I started to hear a lot more music (first, actually, in the EVPs, which saw themselves more as podcasts mixing music with speech and different stories) and there were various reasons I started strongly disliking the use of music.

    (tags: podfic music)

  • alamo_girl80: A look at Fandom Pairings - Okay, since most of my LJ posts of late have been something around the "To Slash or Not to Slash" arena [...] - I'm going to toss this observation and a few meta questions out into the ether.

    (tags: slash h50)

  • yourlibrarian: Whither the Squick - In short, I think the fans' perception of a celebrity needing protection from his/her fans' imagination seems a projection of fans' own deep discomfort in seeing their desires out in the open for public consumption. The desire for connection exists in every fic. It also forms the basis of the fan communities in which the stories are produced and where those connections often do find realization in the form of connection to fellow fans. This may be more easily deniable in the case of FP fic where such connections to the characters are clearly impossible and can be considered entirely harmless and in no way a sign of unrealistic expectations. -

    (tags: rpf fanfic spn)
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