Saturday, April 2, 2011

Apr 03, 2011 09:49

  • kotohime: [in sailormoonfans] So, I've been wondering... what makes fanart "good"? - So I'm wondering... can a piece of fanart be "good"; simply because of its concept more than how well it was drawn?
    What kind of criteria do you have for "judging" fanart?

    (tags: fanart question)
  • vampirenaomi: [in ffr_discussion] FF.Net and the quality of writing - Every now and then someone makes a remark about how there's nothing but shit at the Pit. Someone always jumps in to defend the site, and one of the usual arguments is that the level of quality is very fandom-specific. Some fandoms have nothing but crap posted at FF.Net, but for some other fandoms the site can be a gold mine. -

    (tags: fanfic archiving)
  • silentcs: [in podfic_tips] reading emoticons, textspeak, punctuation - I was going over a few stories when I realized that I didn't know how to handle some of the texting language and conventions out loud. -

    (tags: podfic question)
  • echan: Real People are Hard - I'm currently working on a vid about a real person. A real, live, not fictional, pays taxes and has a wife and kids, person. This is weirding me out in a number of ways, but basically, he's real. Suddenly I wish I had had any interest in Real Person F(ic/andom) before now so I would be well read on the meta and would probably have answers to my queries. -

    (tags: rpf vidding)
  • cschick: It was an oddly fannish history type of day ... - What responsibility do I have to those stories? Many discussions which affected all fandoms, and in some ways shaped future fandoms, took place on the chaos lists. How much terminology originated on Fictalk? How much discussion about what fan fiction archives should be and should become took place on the archivists list? Maybe less than I remember, maybe more. -

    (tags: history)
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