Convergence part two

Jun 02, 2015 14:57

Damn! I meant to write this one a lot sooner. I even started writing the fifth week reactions buuuut then I had to put off finishing writing it so it's once again me trying to remember what I read and thought about everything. And also once again struggling to remember what I read the week after the Pre-Flashpoint tie-ins...

As you can see I didn't bother with Batgirl this week. Probably for the best.

Justice League
Sadly this one never really rose any higher than okay. I did like that in the end it was Mera saving herself by stabbing Flashpoint Aquaman. Other than that though? IDK. It was okay.

Completely messed up Vixen's powers though.

Nothing else to say really.

Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. I know I've said I don't really ship them, but that doesn't mean I'm not at least a little bit emotionally affected by Dick and Barbara being in love and getting a happy ending.

Other things I enjoyed was the surprise Black Canary appearance! :D There's only one thing I like more than Oracle written by Gail Simone and that is her Canary. I love Dinah so much!

I think the art in these two parts is my favorite out of all the Convergence tie ins. It's so gorgeous. The hawks look amazing.

Speed Force

I really don't know what to say. Wally won.

And I just all the emotions for him and his feeling that he's a bad father. Which, I can't really argue with all things considering. But he does gain his strength from his family though, so that was a big thing, which I liked.

It's one of the tie ins that doesn't really have a completely happy ending, or really an ending. Nightwing/Oracle had a the end, but this one had "concluded in Convergence #8"-kind of thing, since really the only happy ending and real ending this one should have had was a reunion with Linda, which didn't happen. So that's a bit. IDK.

I liked it though. I liked seeing Wally, I liked seeing his kids. I liked him winning.


Green Arrow
I really don't know what to think about this one, and it's not because I don't remember it (I do), it's just that it really didn't have a huge emotional impact on me. I don't think it was really right for me to tell the truth, and so I think it would be unfair of me to judge it.

Justice League International
Everyone I love lost this week... It was a difficult one to accept. But, this had a lot of Blue Beetle making jokes and then it had the most heartwarming moment at the end with Booster wishing Ted a happy birthday even if he couldn't do it in person and that was the highlight that made this my favorite this week.

My darling boy... This one focused a little bit too much of making it a non-stop fight which made it drag a bit. I loved seeing 90's Kon I really did. I wasn't super happy with the ending, but it worked.

I decided to not read Man of Steel this week. Eventually I will get around to reading the second part I missed, as well as the Batgirl one. I'm hoping there will be a collected version of all the tie ins so that I can read the other ones as well.

Green Lantern Corps
Probably my favorite tie in of the whole event to be honest. I love the ones I read during week 1 and 5 because they hit that slightly nostalgic feel that I tap into even though I don't have a long history with reading those characters.

This tie-in however I love. Sure the plot is a bit, weak perhaps, but it has so many amazing character moments and it is all about Guy Gardner being awesome. It's a two part story showing us that Guy is awesome. Guy doesn't even need a ring to be kick ass. The knocked out a dragon with a baseball bat. I repeat HE KNOCKED OUT A DRAGON WITH A BASEBALL BAT!

Honestly, this was so much fun and it was all about Guy and I loved it so much. Definitely my favorite.

Booster Gold
I am still processing this one to be honest.

First off though, it has less exposition than the first part, which made this into a somewhat smoother read and so I liked it more.

It also has Booster Gold and the Blue Beetle. Oh my god all of their scenes I read with just tears in my eyes. They were perfect. If Dan Jurgens wanted to write a hundred more stories about Booster and Beetle being BFFs and having adventures together I would buy all of them.

I like this tie in. I really do. I've liked all of them truth be told. This one isn't my favorite, but that doesn't mean I didn't love it. I'm still trying to sort of process all of my feelings and thoughts about it, in particular the ending.

I can not quite get over the fact that Jurgens gave Booster (the original one not the new 52 Booster) an ending. He not only created Booster but he also got to give him an ending 30 years later, and he did it without killing him off... Well, sort of.

I keep thinking about Booster's narrative. How it's so complete and how it evolved so naturally, and it came to a logical end (of sorts). He starts out as this hero who is in it for the fame, the money, but deep down he always has the heart of a hero, it just gets lost among all those other things. Because he wants to be appreciated. I think at heart all Booster wants is to be needed and to have people appreciate what he does. Yes, in the beginning he was young and stupid and thought that fame was the way to getting that.
Then Beetle dies and Booster decides to actually be a hero, but he still screws up every now and again.

What's so beautiful about the second part of the tie-in though, is the fact that this is an older Booster. This is the Booster who raised Rip. The Booster who I assume is a time master. And he tells Ted that he's had a good life. Earlier he told the new52 Booster that he mattered. That's what's so beautiful, that he actually feels the things he's accomplished are things to be proud of. He is ready to die, feeling accomplished. And thinking about it I start crying because it's just so perfect in every way.

It's a lovely send off. I'm glad he didn't die though, even though I'm not sure what to think of Booster being turned into the new waverider???? O_o I really must re-read Zero Hour.

I really wish that was something that would be explored further at some other point. But really, I just want more Booster Gold. Always.

I love Booster Gold. On a related note, if Dan Jurgens wanted to write a hundred+ stories about Booster Gold and Blue Beetle having adventures together I would buy all of them.

The main event title actually picked up a bit, though really the slow build for it to become interesting means I didn't really love it. But I liked it. I liked how eventually everyone just sort of teamed up against the new big bad.

I am sort of torn about the ending. I liked it and at the same time I'm not sure about it?

There's a multiverse again, that's really nice. I like that. There wasn't just one universe that survived, all the universes survived. I love that. But, I don't know. The whole idea of changing it so that Crisis on Infinite Earths never happened? I don't know what to think about that.

I think this is one of those times when I really honestly don't have anything to say about it. Because I just don't know what I feel about it. Also it feels like it's a change that happened but won't get explored in any comics so there's a small sense of whatever. However, I think it can be classified as a happy ending? I think. Maybe. I don't know. I just. I appreciate happy endings though.

Final comments. Taking everything into account even the things I've been a bit critical about I liked Convergence. I liked the core event comic despite its slow build, because once it hooked me I was hooked and I liked it. I loved the tie-ins. I loved all the past characters having adventures again. I loved seeing them. I loved the happy endings. I enjoyed them a lot. Also, I was excited about reading it all every week. I think that's sort of the important bit.

Pretty sure my decision to read comics was both the best and worst. They make me happy, but also they will certainly ruin my life.

Anyway. I need to decide on a comic to read on my car journey to Övik on Saturday... I have too many to chose between.

my continued adventures in new 52

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