The Boy Wonder

Jul 19, 2015 15:09

I haven't updated here in ages, so let's talk a bit about Robins.

I bought the "Robin a celebration"-book, I totally know the title... Anyway 75 years celebration book, collecting stories from all the robins. Dick has the larger section, which is a delight to read, truly. The last one before the Nightwing: Year One story, was my favorite because it had not only Dick as Robin action, but also Barbara Gordon Batgirl action. It was really awesome.

Anyway, I finished his section today and thenskipped forwward to Tim's part, because I'm in a Tim mood today. He only had four stories included, part five of his introduction story, I need to read the whole thing I don't think I ever did the first time around... And just Tiiiiim! <33333 I'm not overly happy with the selection of stories for him. I don't remember much of his solo run, but I am sure they must have been able to pick amore happy story from his 90's run. Seriously. Also, while I enjoy Superman/Batman #9 where Tim and Conner have a robot battle against Metallo in Tokyo (I love it despite the art being far too dark), something more Tim centric could probably have been chosen. What sort of saves it all though is that his section has one of my favorite solo issues ever wich is Nightwing #25 where Tim and Dick are train surfing while blindfolded and bonding and being brothers. I can read that issue a million times, it always makes me happy.

I love Tim Drake. I love Robin. I love the character, the symbol, how important Robin is to Batman. I love thakt it's a legacy character, I love everything about Robin. It's pretty much why I felt that regardless of the stories actually included in the book, I wanted to buy it, because Robins are awesome.

I, bought a bunch of comic trades in June and I've been working my way through them, and sort of forgot to write about them here. Also I've mostly been reading ongoing comics as of late and no back issues at all because I want to read everything at the same time and as I can't do that, I have been unable to pick what exactly to read of the many comics I have downloaded... I should finish both the Guy Gardner solo comic, as well as Kyle's run as Green Lantern first, but there are other 80's/90's comics that are tempting as well. So many comics, so little time.

Anyway, I'm going to go back to the balcony to read Jason's section in the book now. I am a bit disappointed there's only three stories, one of which is the one he dies in, and I don't want to read that one.

comic books, my adventures in the pre-new52

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