my annual "I'm still alive" entry

Dec 26, 2003 12:13

It's been a long time coming since my first semester of my second year ended december 4th, but I just couldn't bring myself to write anything. Call it laziness or just lack of desire but either way I'm writing something now.

I talked to Antoine for the first time in almost 6 months a week ago. I talked to him several days in a row. I realized why I stopped talking to him in the first place, again. Why am I so stupid? Everytime I do this. I talked to him because I miss talking to him then once we talk I see why we haven't! He has a girlfriend since the beginning of the semester at Ursinus(where he goes). It was funny because he told me he was reading her LJ during one of the chats and all I had to do was search for the college's name and she was the first one who popped up! I read it. I find it horribly annoying. She talks like a little teenie bopper of 13 not a college freshman. She claims to be sooo in love with him and I find myself treading on familiar territory (his old girlfriend from the internet.) It will pass; I'm sure of it. Once people see him for who he really is they detach themselves from him. That's what happened to me and him, my best friend and him and his old girlfriend and him. And I am confident that it will happen here as well.

I didn't come on to write an entry only to ramble on about him, because he is an unimportant speck in my life. I got my grades in the mail a few days ago and I couldn't be happier. I thought I was going to fail one of my classes and he ended up giving me an A! I think he's fucking nuts. I swear I was getting an F-I got a 57 on the midterm I got a 95 on the project and I know I failed the final because it was two essays once of which I had no idea about. Even if I wasn't getting an F I was more than gauranteed a C, but no, he gave me an A! I'm trying not to sound like I'm complaining but isn't that the most fucked up situation ever??

Overall I have a 3.656 and my college doesn't round up, which brings my cumulative to 3.241. This semester is a definate fluke because I had several easy classes. And I finally fully beat chemistry (organic this time.) I was going for a very good B+ but I fucked up my final and ended up with a B which is so amazing. But next semester I will have 3 hard classes that each need a lot of studying and concentration while this semester I only had 1 (organic chemistry.) Next semester is going to be anatomy and histology(with a teacher who's a huge asshole and makes his tests super hard so everyone fails), organic chemistry(with a super nice teacher who tries to make nobody fail), biostatistics(with a hard teacher) and some other stupid fluff courses which I'm not worrying about.

I am watching the Tech Tv's Call for Help-a-thon all day. It's a pretty neat channel. I learned some things from them about computer stuff.

I really don't have anything else of import to write about, although I did have a lot of emotions to write about previously that have since gone away. Maybe they'll come back to me and I'll write before the semester starts up again.

Happy Holidays to everyone.

I really don't have any happy icons anymore...::sigh:: need happy icons.
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